The "Random Bullshit" Thread

Everybody thanks for the reactions :) His name was Danny. It's so unreal to have 2 of my good colleagues die within 1 year and both didn't even reach 30 years. Like there's a curse or something. About 3 months ago a chauffeur also died and he was 56 years old. I didn't know him so well. But still....very disturbing.

And now a positive something......Death Angel fucking blew me away just now! OMG what a show! *5 / *5
Yeah, I read about this a few days ago. Fucking wankers. Why don't they pick on people who are actually ALIVE and able to stand up for themselves? And imo, Dio is one of the MOST inoffensive metal artists out there, for fuck's sake.
and I just read that the bassist of SLIPKNOT was found dead in a hotel -.-
what´s it all about with those dying musicians -.- *sighs*
Yeah, I also read about that. I've never really listened to Slipknot or knew their bandmembers or facts about them and whatnot, but it really shouldn't have happened. Especially since he was 38 years old and apparently had a child on the way too. :ill:
One just gets to wonder what's the 'logic' behind all this stuff, if there is one.
well, i think many live without taking care of their health, or are overtaxed with being a public person, overtaxed with people always expecting great things from you and and and...list could be long...

doesnt mean being musician is the only prob in such a life, but it can kinda make rather small problems grow etc...
yeah...somehow i more and more feel like studying psychology and then do a work on musician´s state of mind over a longer time-period...*laughing* but maybe I should rather stick to what I planned before all those dying rock-musicians passed my way XD
yeah...somehow i more and more feel like studying psychology and then do a work on musician´s state of mind over a longer time-period...*laughing* but maybe I should rather stick to what I planned before all those dying rock-musicians passed my way XD

I think it depends on the musician, how early they found wealth/fame, their upbringing, etc.

Look at say, Jon Bon Jovi, I'm sure he aint no angel but he handled his wealth rather well and who can dig up dirt on the guy?

He made a very valid point about the paparazzi, he has kids but has anyone seen their photographs? It's only those that want to be photographed that put themselves and their family out there.

I also heard a comment from a Jazz musician saying that drugs are so mainstream and common in the population it's not now just the domain of artists/musicians like it was in the Jazz era and for him it lost all the appeal.

i was only referring to the drug (ab)use ;) just in general case-studies with different musicians would be interesting LOL
Sorry to break the discussion with crappy random stuff, but I giggled SO hard at this one, I just had to share:

Long image is long. :lol:
I simply have to say that: why the HELL did Germany win on Eurovision songcontest?
okay, when seeing it as a competition of bad taste, I´d fully agree. but wtf?
not that I thought her english is simply weird, her english is, hm, probably just as weird...not to mention she tried to look like a rock-chick LOL epic fail that girl XD
oh and how embarassing is she? is she drunk? or simply cant speak proper english? XD
^ + 43728453685436284525 !!!
And leave alone her english skills or, well, utter lack thereoff. WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING SONG??
I can't even remember when Eurovision had a worse winner than this, IF there ever was one. Complete lack of structure, just throwing in some beats in the beginning and then random speako-singing. One can't even describe the girls' voice, cause all she did was reciting, somehow. How on earth can you compare her voice to those of Iceland or Albania or even friggin' Romania, cause now, honestly, we had a VERY good female performer this year.
And then the song - how can it be better than what maNga participated with, or even Greece with their super basic typical style, that was still pleasant to listen to nevertheless? I just fail to understand. I think almost EVERY song in the contest was better than this one. Maybe except for Spain, who yelled his ass off. :lol:
Honestly, Eurovision is not even worthy laughing at anymore.