The "Random Bullshit" Thread

great....why do people need such excuses? XD
i dont need one. i just say: i wanted to get wasted. thats the best excuse. LOL XD
Romanians have very few days off. But on most of their work days, Romanians get as much work done as the Duch on their days off :P

I know, I know . . . my nephew always tells me: "you are meanie meanie meanie-moo, baddy baddy baddy-boo".

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
wm_crash, we in the EU don't want the euro to go into a free-fall like the dollar did a while back. ;)

So in the long term: it's better NOT to let Greece go bankrupt. Seeing how international trade is mainly a "feel"-kinda thing, image and confidence in the value of the euro are essential.
And retirement at age 50 is bullshit in any modern economy anyways. xD
...someone tries to make every other country look bad so noone tries to take about the american government and all the crap going on...LOL :P
I for one am happy Germany took the lead.

And ruling means you have to make decisions, so what person A might feel is a waste of money (for it does not effect said person or effects said person in a negative way) might be a good investment if you ask person B...

this might be an investment for the long term, and in modern politics, that's a rare thing...politicians, sadly, hardly ever look beyond their own time in office.
In a time when most business is moving to China/India/Malay/Pluto, a weak dollar has always been presented as a good thing for USA. It enables locally produced items to compete with cheap imports; this increases employment in USA. In light of that, it just didn't make sense to me to simply save the euro from dipping..

I wasn't trying to make this a USA vs. The World thing. But hey, if anyone's got beef with with the USA, bring it on. No need to hold back, this isn't the Random Bullshit thread for nothing ;)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
[ame=""]Wishmaster @ The Astoria[/ame]

Never underestimate just how creative (read: weird) the English can get when cold and given sharpies:goggly:
Good ol' times, I used to laugh my ass off at these. Thanks for bringing back old memories. =)

...and i am sucha looser that I started singing the misheard lyrics after having heard those for the first time...and when I stood there in the crowd and realized: uuuh, singing the misheard lyrics it was sooo funny
...and i am sucha looser that I started singing the misheard lyrics after having heard those for the first time...and when I stood there in the crowd and realized: uuuh, singing the misheard lyrics it was sooo funny

But you know, it happens to quite a lot of us! :lol: I was talking with a friend about this exact situation some time ago. You either practically *START* hearing the misheard lyrics each time you listen to the actual song OR you just love the misheard version so much, that you screw the original. :lol: