The "Random Bullshit" Thread

^.. So you just lie at home anyways so it really doesn't matter. :cool:
But it's no fun having feaver when it's hot like this.. :< I'm so wet of sweat.
^.. So you just lie at home anyways so it really doesn't matter. :cool:

As a kid I loved summer, heatwaves n' all, I could stay outdoors later, not have to worry about catching a death....I easily got sick and winter was when I copped it most.

These days the heat does get annoying when I have to work in it but right now it's no fun shivering on a train platform waiting for the train/bus to and from work.

it's no fun having fever when it's hot like this.. :< I'm so wet of sweat.

It's no fun having fever no matter what, personally I think I could handle it better in heat than in cold.

Yes I know....I said 'in heat' :lol:

fevers are something you can often "sweat out", which goes better in summer than in winter.

But I for one can't sleep when it's too hot. During the winter you can just apply moar blankets!!!one1!!1eleven!11!

In my humble opinion, being the trve and gr1mm frostbitten Northwest-European that I am, winter ist krieg. And summer is A temperature of 20-25 degrees centigrade is nice, though. As long as there's a cooling breeze to accompany it.

Sorry about the black metal-isms. When dealing with the subject of frost and winter, it's just lolzy =P
It's getting interesting up here..
Last winter was the coldest in a while (approximately minus 10 to minus 25 depending on where you are) and this summer is the hottest in a while... If it continues like this it gets painful to live here. :lol: Cold winters are okay, and it should be like that! And not rainy and gray... But the summer should really stay in the 20-25 zone.. :p Not 30 to 35 like it is now.
sound quite a lot like the weather is and was over here.

This winter we had quite some snow (well, for these parts at least) and it was around -10 most of the time.

Now it's mostly 30+.

For Finland it is just a tad more extreme than for us in NL apparently.
^yup. :lol: But I like it (Not that much the ovelry hot summers though)
You get some variation, Once you get tired of a season another comes, and the difference is clear. :)
hahaha....i am just sick and tired of packing all of my stuff when it is 35+°C because walking two stairs up and down and up and down and that for a long time isn´t that pleasing XD

oh and about last winter - true, in Vaasa it was partly around -20 or so, but I SO liked it, you only had to dress right and there was no problem...looking forward to the 4 upcoming winters in Jyväskylä *laughing* ;))
whilst with this weather you can´t do more than undress and there is a limit with that LOL
women (in general) can never undress enough.


Ohai thar. :kickass:

random: the sunset we have is so awesome and stunning, wow...reddish, orange, yellowish, then some light pink, lilac, some kind of
btw, seems like she is getting dressed. I never said anything about that
Would it make it any better if she were getting dressed? :lol:
And have fun at the festival! The Baseballs. :oops: :lol:

Those are so super-beautiful, Cari! The second one is insane. :worship: Too bad I live in the middle of the town, we can't really catch such scenery here. :( All we got was a rainbow yesterday. :lol:
thanks :) I was sooo fascinated when looking out of the window...and thats the goooood side of living not directly in the centre...and that what I´ll be doing aswell in my new flat - a little away from the centre lol
same here :D
it could stay the way it was today...and not get any hotter, but the forecast says sth else :S
@Anyone from/around HELSINKI
For 31st July: anyone having time and will to meet up in the evening with me?
I am having a spare evening there and no idea what to do...and not willing to do stuff alone LOL