The "Random Bullshit" Thread

Just take baby wipes and pray to god that you've bought decent ones that get the stuff off.
Leave spare clothes in car, go to said fuel station, feed car get changed and pay!

You'll be fine, if you do get stopped blame inflation and the fact you now need to pillage your fuel
bwahahahaha still, i see everything going wrong that night after the gig...probably I should find a place where to stay and go back to cologne the day after LOL
it really isnt, I prefer Subway anyways...

anyone willing to work for 8h today whith running around in highheels, black trousers, white shirt and white blouse in a not-good-aired hall?
my circulation kills me because of 32°C already now -.-
haha good girl, Subways are appropriate pre- or post- gig food!
I have a slight tradition now that any gig in manchester i must bake buns in advance, and then buy a subway whilst walking to the venue. combine them and you have a lovely picnic to be eaten with fellow fans whilst waiting outside the venue :)
:zombie:You won't eat mcdonalds but you will Subway?!
That's worse! they may make it in front of you, but you don't see the stuff before it hits the trays!!
The meatballs should be avoid at all costs:ill:
@ Katie - I've been wanting to start taking pole dancing lessons for quite a while now - not to go dance in a club or anything like that, but because I've heard it's one of the greatest work outs you can give your body [I need to shape up for Summer!].

But after months and months of saying "ohhhh, maybe later" I finally went ahead and signed myself up. Classes start Monday. I'm quite excited and very nervous. I know you pole dance as well [or did in the past], I was wondering how long you were doing it for and if you lost much weight/toned up through doing it?
it really is an intense work out!!!! you use muscles you never even knew you had. I've definately noticed that i've got more toned, especially in my legs and stomach, and more recently my arms. I've been doing it for about six months now, only recently started losing weight but that's because i've only just started eating properly, and before most of the weight i lost was converted to muscle, but as long as you eat a balanced diet you will definately lose weight
Here's one HUGE bit of advice though. After the lesson have a nice hot bath because the next day you will hurt. if the next day your muscles are quite painful, have another bath, because it always hurts a lot more the second day for some reason.
But it's great fun, it's exercise but you have such a laugh doing it that you want to go back and keep doing it, so it's a great way to keep fit!
Let me know how it goes and once you get good at it pictures are required! :D
Haha, of course. ;)
Thanks for the info, I shall definitely keep the baths in mind!

I'm really interested in doing this as exercise 'cause it does seem like a lot of fun - I'm so sick of treadmills and normal weight work etc. All that gym routine stuff. It's boring! So I'm hoping that this kind of exercise keeps me interested. ;D
I know what you mean, I used to do aerobics at home 4 times a week to keep fit, but I got so bored of it that i'd never do it, but pole dancing is brilliant, i've been doing it six months now and still enthusiastic about it. every week i come home with new and interesting bruises, and painful muscles, but its so worth it and you always feel that you're not only getting fit, but you're learning new things and having fun whilst doing it.
hahahaha and also we get to speak a whole new language of names of moves that will confuse everyone else on the forum :p
i worked 11hours in a row yesterday...damned catering -.- damned wanna-be-vip-parties -.-
I know what you mean, I used to do aerobics at home 4 times a week to keep fit, but I got so bored of it that i'd never do it, but pole dancing is brilliant, i've been doing it six months now and still enthusiastic about it. every week i come home with new and interesting bruises, and painful muscles, but its so worth it and you always feel that you're not only getting fit, but you're learning new things and having fun whilst doing it.
hahahaha and also we get to speak a whole new language of names of moves that will confuse everyone else on the forum :p

What shoes do you wear when you dance, out of interest?
I'm looking around for a pair but don't really know what to look for. Heh.

I've got my eyes on these:




Yes, I am addicted to eBay.

Dunno if I could dance in them. But they still look awesome.
haha i read that as "damned wanna-be-VIP-pirates"
I just had visions of people in suits with eye patches and cutlasses running around pillaging food but then insisting on paying for it later...

bwahahahhahahaa, no, would at least been funny seeing them running around in pirate-costumes... XD

@Sampy Arctica
i own a pair of those last shoes^^ they´re lovely
see most of the girls dance in shoes like the top two, i will once i've saved up a bit of cash, they're really nice. At the moment I dance in boots like the bottom ones. it doesn't really matter, but it's better to dance in heels. the only difference it makes sometimes it when you start climbing, the boots help protect your feet/ankles/shins from damage on the pole.
but for looking at dancers wearing shoes I´d prefer the first ones actually somehow...
Ahhh, my first pole dancing class was tonight - it was so much fun! :D

I don't really hurt anywhere...although my right thigh is all red from repeated attempts [and successes, yay!] of climbing the pole and doing this weird tuck thing sideways around it...forgot what it's called, haha.
But oh my gosh...cannot wait until next week! :)


Oh, will also be buying the second pair of shoes tomorrow night.

These ones:


As the first pair's auction has already ended and the shoes above have been the cheapest I've managed to find so far...will do a quick hunt tonight around eBay though. ;)
ooh congrats, took me a couple of weeks before i could climb.

the tuck thing, was it a hip tuck. you jump up from a standing position and tuck up so you're sort of wrapped horizontally around the pole as you spin?
if it was, those things are evil!!! took me months to get it right, it's weird how the easy things i can't do but the hard things i find easy...

glad you had fun, it's rather addictive, soon you'll be wanting your own pole! :)

and those shoes are gorgeous
I'm not impressed though, we've been doing a lot of climbing and inverts lately which is very intensive on your arms, i broke one of my arms when i was a kid and it never healed properly, it started to really hurt after the last lesson and i've had to strap it up now, having a very painful arm three days before a festival which inevitably involves carrying heavy things is NOT good! :(