The real meaning of this :rock:


there are two of us
Sep 27, 2002
Finland, Hevijärvi
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when you put your fingers like that, it means you're "driving evil away"
Interesting, huh?
So how it has becomed the meaning of 'rock', and why?
I hope this could start somekind of discussion...:)
I had always been led to believe and thought that this sign :rock: was meant to represent the devil. :rolleyes:

It's a rudimentry form of the devil's horns. Since rock and roll and, more over, heavy metal is often seen as "the devil's music", it's a highly appropriate sign to make.
Regardless of what the sign's origins maybe, it's now used to say "rock".

</discussion> ;)
once I was making that sign for a picture and the girl taking it said to me: oh that's the sign for love!
stupid bitch(the one who said that)
Originally posted by chileanmetal
that the sign is made with three 6 (look for them and you'll find them),
i can't see those 6. is it a new and incredibly funny game to let us discover them? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by manuelgv
once I was making that sign for a picture and the girl taking it said to me: oh that's the sign for love!

It is, if you keep your thumb out of the fist. Index finger is supposed to represent I, index+thumb = L, and index+little finger = U, so the sign is ILU = I love you.... I read this from some christian site where it was told as an explanation to why some gospel singer shows the sign on her gigs.
Originally posted by Voice of God
It is, if you keep your thumb out of the fist. Index finger is supposed to represent I, index+thumb = L, and index+little finger = U, so the sign is ILU = I love you.... I read this from some christian site where it was told as an explanation to why some gospel singer shows the sign on her gigs.

It's sign language (and it's actually I, L, and Y).. :)