when you put your fingers like that, it means you're "driving evil away"
Interesting, huh?
So how it has becomed the meaning of 'rock', and why?
I hope this could start somekind of discussion...

i can't see those 6. is it a new and incredibly funny game to let us discover them?Originally posted by chileanmetal
that the sign is made with three 6 (look for them and you'll find them),
Originally posted by manuelgv
once I was making that sign for a picture and the girl taking it said to me: oh that's the sign for love!
Originally posted by Voice of God
It is, if you keep your thumb out of the fist. Index finger is supposed to represent I, index+thumb = L, and index+little finger = U, so the sign is ILU = I love you.... I read this from some christian site where it was told as an explanation to why some gospel singer shows the sign on her gigs.