The REAPER appreciation thread!

Guys, I like Reaper and use it although I'm a rookie. Do you know how to change a window background color?

Thank you, coudln't find the answer.

This is in
Preferences > Appearance > Theme editor > window background

If you want to change only a specific window background I don't think you can do that.
Funnily enough I edited these 3 colours recently to create my own "darker grid" version. It took me about 10mn to find the correct one for the arrange view :

- empty arrange view area
- track background (odd tracks)
- track background (even tracks)
- track divider line (odd tracks)
- track divider line (even tracks)
Hi guys. But this are the only options that I have in Appearance:

Track Control Panels

That's all. Reaper 5.0 pre9.

I want the white background of an fx window of a track to dark it to a gray or something like that because white stress my eyes. How to do it?

Thank you !!
Does anybody know how to completely hide the vertical lines drawn for tempo/measurement changes? I just want the marker on top but no lines.

I assume you mean the tempo automation envelope on the master track in the Track Control Panel? I'm pretty sure you can hide the envelope, don't remember how. You can also not show the master track on the TCP and you won't see those lines.
Hi guys. But this are the only options that I have in Appearance:

Track Control Panels

That's all. Reaper 5.0 pre9.

I want the white background of an fx window of a track to dark it to a gray or something like that because white stress my eyes. How to do it?

Thank you !!

where can i find the pre releases? it is an open beta?
where can i find the pre releases? it is an open beta?

Go to the Reaper forums on the Cockos webpage, click on Reaper Forums, go to the REAPER Pre-Release Discussion near the bottom, then click on the REAPER pre-release builds thread. There's a link there to download the latest beta builds.
I assume you mean the tempo automation envelope on the master track in the Track Control Panel? I'm pretty sure you can hide the envelope, don't remember how. You can also not show the master track on the TCP and you won't see those lines.

no, it is independent from the tempo envelope and the master track, and appears at every measurement change, not on tempo changes. You can change the colour of it but I cannot make it disappear. It goes though all tracks so if you have many changes it is quite distracting.
Hi guys. But this are the only options that I have in Appearance:

Track Control Panels

That's all. Reaper 5.0 pre9.

I want the white background of an fx window of a track to dark it to a gray or something like that because white stress my eyes. How to do it?

Thank you !!

Just like I said, it's not just in Appearance, it's in "THEME EDITOR" under Appearance.

Preferences > Appearance > Theme editor
Does anybody know how to completely hide the vertical lines drawn for tempo/measurement changes? I just want the marker on top but no lines.

I don't know yet if you can disable them completely, but for a simple fix, go to Preferences > Appearance > Theme editor and it is known as "time signature change marker" colour. Use the same colour as your background and it should be less distracting !Or the normal vertical bar colour.
Lesedna, the problem is that I have not the "Theme editor" option under Appearance like I told you before :( Does anyone know what's going on?
You don't have this ?

Yeah Lesedna, I understood that! All the options are there but the last one is "Track Control Panels", then comes the Editing Behavior option. So I have not the Theme Editor option !!!
That is very weird if you ask me ! Try on the cockos forum ?

What version do you have ? If you have a couple version old, maybe it is located somewhere different ? I have just started using it more and I don't remember if it changed location ! Otherwise I don't know it must be some bug then.
Sorry to bump this again, but does anybody know how to view only certain notes in the piano roll, other than separating them by track? When I need to edit the velocities of, say, just the hi hat, it's a pain in the ass if two notes fall on the same beat, since I have to first click the midi note and then drag the velocity bar in the editor.
Sorry to bump this again, but does anybody know how to view only certain notes in the piano roll, other than separating them by track? When I need to edit the velocities of, say, just the hi hat, it's a pain in the ass if two notes fall on the same beat, since I have to first click the midi note and then drag the velocity bar in the editor.

Not the best option but right clicking on the corresponding piano key will select all of those notes so you can drag the velocity of all of them or paint a curve. If you wanna do just one hihat that collides with a key you can drag the handle of the note itself to change the velocity
Yeah, it's more about accenting certain notes, so dragging/painting a curve doesn't work. And I know the notes have velocity handles, but they're tiny and a miniscule bump will affect the velocity too much. I assume there has to be some way, even if it's a custom action, but I just wouldn't know where to start.