The REAPER appreciation thread!

You can totally drag a folder left to make it go down the hierarchy by 1 level, you need to drag and have your mouse point at the bottom left of the folder area, you will see the line representing the relationship between your track to the one above it change from a half line to a full line if you get what I mean, and you can move it anywhere, while being careful with this line representation ? Unless reaper has changed drastically since last time I used it, it has always worked like this. Or maybe I didn't get the problem with your drum folder tracks ?

Hmm...maybe it's because I'm using an older version of Reaper?

It just will not work like you described for me. I know exactly what you mean, too. Either way, it's not the end of the world and I figured out a work around.

Thanks! :wave:
I made a quick tutorial of some SWS Actions in Reaper that I've been having fun lately. This is a quick and easy way to make custom 'channel strips' from plugins and recall them instantly to your screen.

Hope it proves useful to some other Reaper users also.

Great idea!

I already made a post about it, but here is a video with lots of ideas for controlling that kind of stuff in reaper.
screenshot from a session


I realize this is almost 3 years old now, but can anyone help me figure out how to get those little instrument tabs that are off to the left side of this pic? Assuming they are quick snap-to tabs, this would be great for me.
I realize this is almost 3 years old now, but can anyone help me figure out how to get those little instrument tabs that are off to the left side of this pic? Assuming they are quick snap-to tabs, this would be great for me.

These look like
- a Toolbar, set to "Left"
- custom "track views" which you can customize in "screensets/layout" and which you can link to with a shortcute; Simply put the shorcut in a button on the toolbar
- profit

I have recently set up an advanced set of menus which you can navigate into, and which I have embed on the top of the screen. I will do a tutorial in the future because it just feels so natural now and all the important features which you never remember the shorcuts are now in front of my eyes with handy icons.
i have spent days if not weeks on improving workflow in reaper in a way that makes sense to me, I might release some tutorial or something. Its so easy to customize reaper while staying 100% stable and compatible it's just crazy.
i have spent days if not weeks on improving workflow in reaper in a way that makes sense to me, I might release some tutorial or something. Its so easy to customize reaper while staying 100% stable and compatible it's just crazy.

That would be awesome. Even if it isn't a video tutorial or anything, just a quick text summary or text/screenshots would be hugely appreciated. I'm at the point where I know I spend too much time doing things that could be automated or modified within Reaper, but I'm unsure what exactly to do because there are so many options. I suspect a lot of other people are in the same boat. :)
That would be awesome. Even if it isn't a video tutorial or anything, just a quick text summary or text/screenshots would be hugely appreciated. I'm at the point where I know I spend too much time doing things that could be automated or modified within Reaper, but I'm unsure what exactly to do because there are so many options. I suspect a lot of other people are in the same boat. :)

Yep. I get nervous just thinking about it, honestly. :lol:
I am planning on it, because I am getting to a point where I am finally get more or less aware of most functionalities available in Reaper. Recently I discovered you could pretty much stretch edit on the fly a performance where artifacts wouldn't be a big issue, and that was not possible a couple years ago for example. I also learnt how to tempo-map and edit flawlessly, both for flattening the tempo to a perfect performance, or to have midi follow the non-perfect tempo. The SWS extension helps a LOT in dealing with tempo without destroying a project btw. I might do a few tutorials for basic solutions to "I wanna move tempo markers but I don't know how to not destroy my project in the process" problems.

I have made up a few layouts, and I am completely re-designing the shortcuts because they never really made sense to me. For example I am using similar key combination for all the "view : window" shortcut (mixer / bay / media manager) because it was all over the place. I now navigate way faster in my tracks too by placing some useful shortcut in physical locations that make sense. My problem with you guys is I am using a french keyboard and unfortunately Reaper does not deal with other keyboards well. So I am left with buttons impossible to allocate (like the latest F buttons) or the special apple ones. Also I am on mac so not too sure about how it translate. That's why I am thinking of showing a keyboard map, and a list of actions, so if someone likes the philosophy, he could copy it very easily once he understands how remapping the keyboard works. In fact it is even better to adapt it to your own need, I find I do not need so much in the track recording department, but maybe someone else would find it better to switch between all the punch-in options ! That's where my tool bars are useful though as they simplify visually a lot of actions which usually make me think "where the hell is that option again ?"

I have also made several tool sets which group advanced shortcuts right in front of my eyes on the top or sides of the screen, adjusted some settings in reaper which are relevant now that computers are powerful enough, created screen sets for Main, Tracking, Editing, Mixing, Mastering workflow. Together with proper personanlization of your own template (in my case, a full desk), you can even have tracks show up, or not, depending on wether you are editing, or mixing. And I keep a "Full" screenset for when I need to see absolutely all tracks.

I'll make a pdf and video tutorial when I feel I have reach a stable state !

Oh and I have setup a full template to emulate using a real desk, to import .wav and have them already set up just like a real desk would be set up with signal chains pre-patched for vocals, drums etc, fx sends. It has a 2bus below the master bus for someone who would like to be able to cut and edit the overall sound before it goes through the mastering chain (the real one). ETc. It is over the top but I found out that the best way to approach this for me is either to use track templates/fx chains for simple projects, or import massive projects in this super-template and simply delete all tracks unused until it is ready. It takes a few minutes only if the .wav are labelled a logical way. I made a 8-track midi controller interface ready version because I feel like using only 8 faders and therefore sub buses helps me concentrate on important balancing issues as opposed to juggling with dozens of faders. As reaper can group folders to the left, this is a fine feature already, but I plan on buying an 8 fader mixer controller at some point and the only way as far as I know to have them correctly controlling the specific buses in a normal mode is to have the actual buses being the 8 first tracks of the reaper project. i'm currently experimenting with it to find the sweetspot when it is overwhelming, to see if/how I need to make different templates for different needs. I see myself copying this philosophy to other specific needs, like "rock band" when a specific template would show up, already prepared for my screen sets and track visibilities layouts, which would be different to "metal" layout where more specific tracks can be needed.
Well, I'm digressing now !

I am just still learning a few things to make sure I am not forgetting something obvious basically.

For example does anyone know if there is something like the OMF import option in Protools ? Where you would create a project, import .wav and apply template track settings from their counterpart so that in a matter of seconds you have a new template with all your favorite chains ? Like, could you open several projects under different tabs and copy on the fly settings from project to project a very convenient way ? it's one of the last thing I haven't researched in the manual yet.

And about the nervosity... I was the same, until I really dug into it, and now I feel this is actually pretty simple to personalize Reaper ! I was afraid of it not being future-proof, but in fact it doesn't take so much time. I am also never messing with reaper skins, I am only using the native one, so it reduces the problems for the future. No action is ever removed from the devs so shortcuts should stay the same, and it is easy to save them. Screen layouts aren't too bad to re-create if needed, and templates are not overwritten obviously by new version of reaper. So all things considered, the most important being settings and shortcuts, it is relatively easy to secure oneself. I am actually considering even creating a folder template to do a proper crosscheck of "did I save all my personnalization things before I update to V5" ?

I am not too sure about how would people's preferences react to importing my own shortcuts etc. I will propose ready to download tweaks that I find relevant for our usual tasks, but I think showing how to get there is a huge part of getting something good out of Reaper. Especially because of the PC/Mac, and US/other keyboards (even other QWERTY keyboards might have different character layouts which pretty much messes up everything)

At that point I could almost release a little guide for the self production of modern rock/metal music in reaper where only the useful content would be covered, and a few examples of vanilla / waves main plugins / slateDigital / toontrack templates/FX chains could be given as starting points ! And with common techniques like editing, stretching, slip editing, tune correction, de-noising with the FIR, electronic samples with Reasamplomatic, Drum Programming/writing with midi controllers, working with the visual space, the mixer layouts, the regions to edit basic rock songs to different structures, export options, current standards of mastering techniques EBUR128 compliant inside reaper (we are lucky because the reaper meter is one of the few to be correct in RMS reading) etc etc. All while trying to make these future-proof with newer releases of Reaper.
Well, I've just spent the last hours customizing shit :lol: I've made some shortcuts to my drum/bass/guitar buses, which is nice- but if I ever change the number of tracks they won't work, because the shortcuts are linked to the track numbers. Anybody know of a way to link the shortcuts to a track with a certain name or color?
You can link tracks by their names by creating a custom action that triggers reaconsole. That way you can set shortcuts to tracks by their name so it doesn't matter if you change track order . In my post above I made a video where I show how I use the shortcuts with my tablet
I discovered reaconsole yesterday. I think it might be the trick for so, so many cool ideas. I'm definitely gonna experiment on that. Plus, simply using "v+0.5" and hitting enter several time while closing your eyes is a cool way to level a fader precisely.
I discovered reaconsole yesterday. I think it might be the trick for so, so many cool ideas. I'm definitely gonna experiment on that. Plus, simply using "v+0.5" and hitting enter several time while closing your eyes is a cool way to level a fader precisely.

Yeah! i use that command for 1, 0.5 or whatever db i want. I select my chanel with my name sensitive shortcuts and increase the level however i want.

I read your previous post. I think we are on the same channel. If you want, send me and PM and add me to facebook, since i think that i can help you going deeper into customization and i´ll be glad to help with your tutorials and other ideas
I think these are 3 separate questions

For example does anyone know if there is something like the OMF import option in Protools ?

There's a user made OMF codec that's windows only. There's AATranslator, a 3rd party software for $199 that converts DAW formats, not just OMF. Theres Vordio which lets you clone a Final Cut project in REAPER for audio editing. I just found out about the last one and don't know the details.

Where you would create a project, import .wav and apply template track settings from their counterpart so that in a matter of seconds you have a new template with all your favorite chains ?
There are Project Templates, Track Templates, and SWS Snapshots that can accomplish what you need. Your choice. A single track template can include the entire mixer, whatever tracks are selected. SWS Snapshots are ideal for when you've mixed one song, then need to import the whole mix to a new project where you may already have a rough mix going. It automatically/manually matches tracks based on name.

Like, could you open several projects under different tabs and copy on the fly settings from project to project a very convenient way ?
Yep, just a normal copy and paste to do this.
I know about track templates but you still have to do it manually ? I was thinking about this PT feature where in a single page you basically tell PT which track is what, and boom done.

Thanks for the heads up :)

I'm so gonna create custom actions with reaconsole. The "select track with name" feature is just completely awesome. I see myself programming a button for every BUS, which would hide all other tracks except from the bus ones. Would be so handy in huge projects !
One last tricky question : is there any way to make buses ID from 1 to 8 ?

I explain myself : You can "group folders to the left" or do the same with "tracks which have receives". but their ID are still the original one. Result : midi communication with controllers won't show the busses to the left, but they will still show the tracks according to their ID number, from 1 to the last one. Therefore the feature is not usable with a controller because it will then not show the same. So the "group folders to the left" is only a cosmetic/GUI action in Reaper, but I would like it to actually show on a controller. Is there any way to do this as of now ? Of course I can send/receive to tracks manually, which I have done, but if this could be done natively or automatically, that would make my day !