The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Men are very simple creatures....women just look too far into bullshit that isn't there.

Simple creatures in a very complicated way. I just cannot understand how VERY COMPLICATED MATTERS can be so simple to you men:lol:

Maybe I overreact, but simple statements like "let's just have fun" make me want to chop a man's dick off. I keep my cool, though, but goddamn! "Let's just have fun" is not flattering:p
Simple creatures in a very complicated way. I just cannot understand how VERY COMPLICATED MATTERS can be so simple to you men:lol:

Maybe I overreact, but simple statements like "let's just have fun" make me want to chop a man's dick off. I keep my cool, though, but goddamn! "Let's just have fun" is not flattering:p

I have a simpler statement for you...

Maybe I overreact, but simple statements like "let's just have fun" make me want to chop a man's dick off. I keep my cool, though, but goddamn! "Let's just have fun" is not flattering:p

Further proof that its the women that are crazy. :p

When I say "Let's just have fun," I mean just that. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now, I know I can only speak for myself, but I say what I mean and mean what I say...and there should be no translation issues.

Please don't chop my dick off. I've kind of grown attached to it over the years.
^ You have point there, but good thing is that it is possible to learn live with these differences. I have learn that my hubby just means what he says and nothing else and he has learn to interpret what I actually mean when I'm saying something. Now we understand each other perfectly, if he ask "do you want to go see band xxx" and I say "same for me" he know that I don't want to go to see that band. But if I ask same thing and get same answer from him, I know that it really is same for him, he doesn't mind coming and grabbing a beer...
We're talking about Hockey, infact. (Google is your friend btw :lol:)

:lol: I'd expect that talk from a brit footballfag but a Norwegian bashing hockey... tis a sad day for stereotypes.

Stereotypes can go to hell :lol:! I hate football, hockey, any type of skiing, and i GENERALLY thing Black metal is a load of DUNG (there are exceptions though, as with most thing about music :p)

I guess you can say im not your stereotypical norwegian :lol: (I do have blue eyes, am tall, and have long blonde hair though :loco:)