The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I have a Christmas party at my dad's firm to go to tonight and I am really not looking forward to wearing my outfit. I am one of those weird people that feels totally awkward when dressing up and, despite my grandma and dad's comments, I think I look ugly as hell in it. Goddamn.

But after the aforementioned party, I MIGHT meet up with someone (after I change into my jeans) and THAT I am really looking forward to.

I hope that You have fun at the party.. Its good to hear that i am not the Only person that feels akward in anything other than Juts regular everyday jeans n shirts :eek: *******


I'm feeling COMPLETLY heartBroken right now...
More football than that repulsive Yankee crap that you would consider to be "football"

I'm extremely tired and I've been crook as a fucking dog past couple of days not good at all

Tell us how that match works out would you Gon sounds interesting
I feel awful today, i wanted to light up the christmas tree lights but my mom said it was too early (well in here it's early) but i didn't listen, so i plugged in the cable and a fuse happened. :Smug: now i have to buy new lights... with my money. :cry:
Don't look at it that way. Just accept them for what they are.

I need to smoke more pot. That's what that statement screams at me, for some reason.

Are you always expecting all the things turn into a crap ?

I luv ya !!! :lol:

I love you too! :oops:

I hope that You have fun at the party.. Its good to hear that i am not the Only person that feels akward in anything other than Juts regular everyday jeans n shirts :eek: *******


I'm feeling COMPLETLY heartBroken right now...

Thanks! The party was nice and after looking at myself on the mirror for 50 billion times, I kinda got used to my outfit and decided I wasn't that hideously ugly. But after the party I slipped into my jeans and went on a date! Woohoo! Go me! 2 dates so far and I am half heartbroken as well, though, so I know how you feel... Goddamn men. :saint:

┼Victim of the Night┼;6788961 said:
Don't be thoughtful too much.... just enjoy those nice things that you said have been happening lately. :)

Yeah, I am trying. I can't help thinking of my age situation, though. I want everything perfect and I want everything perfect NOW! :lol: