The return of the "How are you today?" thread

holy shit AA show on sunday night. that was the most insane shit. ever. i waiting for fucking more then 2 hours at like 47 degrees f (or 8 c). god it was cold. but i was the first one in so i was in front of every god damn band right in front of the singer.

Proven: i didnt know they added Proven, but they're from Portland (where i live) and they were awesome, albeit they were hardcore. but it got the crowd going. so i got their setlist and a drumstick. Gear: the guitarist had an ENGL Fireball, and an old LTD V idk which model

Sonic Syndicate: i listened to them on myspace and i thought they were lame. but they were awesome live, especially because the bassist is fucking hot as hell and she was in front of me the whole damn time :headbang: GEAR: randall v2 head i dont remebr the guitars

Himsa: wow the singer was frickin insane. he jumped into the crowd and he dragged me into the pit and we were moshing together :lol: he even let me do some growls in the mic. :lol: great energy, the guys were all really nice and offered some of the girls in front a helping hand if they wanted to leave to the back. Gear: H & K amps

AA: of course all the gay fanboi's wanted to get up front so i was getting crushed the whole god damn time buy a fuckin seahawks 6'7 300 pound guy. but fuckin awesome set, it was like from 9:45-11:30. just insane. but my arms and chest got mauled on the little bar thats right on the stage. the guitarist gave me a pick but some bitch stole it from me, turns out he went to my school :lol: Gear: Krank Krankenstein with matching cabs, and gibson guitars.

god i hate crowd surfers to :erk:

anyways now im sick and it really sucks
holy shit AA show on sunday night. that was the most insane shit. ever. i waiting for fucking more then 2 hours at like 47 degrees f (or 8 c). god it was cold. but i was the first one in so i was in front of every god damn band right in front of the singer.

Proven: i didnt know they added Proven, but they're from Portland (where i live) and they were awesome, albeit they were hardcore. but it got the crowd going. so i got their setlist and a drumstick. Gear: the guitarist had an ENGL Fireball, and an old LTD V idk which model

Sonic Syndicate: i listened to them on myspace and i thought they were lame. but they were awesome live, especially because the bassist is fucking hot as hell and she was in front of me the whole damn time :headbang: GEAR: randall v2 head i dont remebr the guitars

Himsa: wow the singer was frickin insane. he jumped into the crowd and he dragged me into the pit and we were moshing together :lol: he even let me do some growls in the mic. :lol: great energy, the guys were all really nice and offered some of the girls in front a helping hand if they wanted to leave to the back. Gear: H & K amps

AA: of course all the gay fanboi's wanted to get up front so i was getting crushed the whole god damn time buy a fuckin seahawks 6'7 300 pound guy. but fuckin awesome set, it was like from 9:45-11:30. just insane. but my arms and chest got mauled on the little bar thats right on the stage. the guitarist gave me a pick but some bitch stole it from me, turns out he went to my school :lol: Gear: Krank Krankenstein with matching cabs, and gibson guitars.

god i hate crowd surfers to :erk:

anyways now im sick and it really sucks

:zombie: :lol: Sounds like the EXACT THING that happened to me, minus the wait for 2 hours. I bussed up with the opening local band, we all chipped in and got a tourbus so that was pretty pimp. I actually am friends with that "hot girl". Her name is Karin, she's really fucking nice. We hung out for a bit then they had to do soundcheck so I went in line and waited. (Sonic Syndicate guestlisted me btw so that was awesome)... And yeh, SS were fucking amazing live, and so was Himsa (he was on my head, lettign me sing into the mic and shit :lol:, then he jumped the gate and we moshed a bit, I got a HIMSA drumstick too), both were epicly better than I expected. Amon Amarth was good, they didn't play anything special that they didn't play last year when I saw them twice so... that sucked. And fuck sakes, the crowdsurfing was just brutal. I was on the gate... and people weren't surfing... just being lifted up and dropped on our heads... it really sucked.

Amon Amarth were dickheads though... big time. I hung out with Johan for like 3 hours backstage last year and he was a reaaaaaally funny and nice guy... turns out he has to be drunk, or else he's a MAJOR asshole. :mad:
Pretty darn shit.

seems like two parts of my throat decided to swell up into super ghey proportions just to take away christmas for me. I can still eat and stuff, but it hurts, and chances are it will last throughout christmas! YAY Ontop of that i have a fever(only slight, thank god for that), and i cant sleep.

Ontop of THIS again, theres this fucking asshole on this norwegian community whatever site, he keeps spamming me and telling me how ugly long hair is and i need a haircut, and tries to "pwn" me, while writing with CAPS LOCK TURNED ON LOL AND BORKEN GRAMMER

oh, and he's 50 years old and have grandchildren. His profile is plastered with deformed pictures of Jesus and crosses. What the fuck is going on :lol:
He's acting like THE major bigshot of the year, threatening me with beating(in "cleverly" hidden ways), and general calling me an asshole for having my own goddamned opinions :lol:

Interweb does the funniest things to people...

Merry christmas.. :lol:

1. Make fake msn/forum profile
2. pretend to be a 13 year old girl
3. Talk to him, make friends, get him to add you to MSN.
4. Get him to send nudes, go on webcam naked, take screenshots
5. Get personal info
6. ??????

Go ahead, ruin the remainder of his life, for the lulz!
FINALS CAN EAT SHIT! I'm seriously fucked, oh well. :erk: At least break is coming up. I seriously think I have a short memory span or something, sooo much to go over that I will most likely forget anyways by tomorrow :erk:

EDIT- Should I an hero? (Y/N)

1. Make fake msn/forum profile
2. pretend to be a 13 year old girl
3. Talk to him, make friends, get him to add you to MSN.
4. Get him to send nudes, go on webcam naked, take screenshots
5. Get personal info
6. ??????

Go ahead, ruin the remainder of his life, for the lulz!

I'm kind of happy because I'm unofficially on holidays since yesterday (officially they're starting tommorow). :) And we (my class and I) decided to send something to our teacher who ended up in hospital last week (because of lung cancer). About that, teacher which is in charge of my class (class-master, is it?) suggested to do that, so...