The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Not quite. If I banned you right away it would be much less fun. I'll wait for a good opportunity.

Mods will ignore you, even if you have a good reason. First of all they suck, and secondly you have a history of arguing with him so they don't care.

Ralf? Sorry, I don't understand your sentence :lol:

LURK MOAR! (In September I was banned for like 3 weeks because some asshole named Ralph from the Battleheart forum said he was gonna have me b& so I LOL'd at him and said he had no power... 15 mins later I was b& :lol:)
Mods will ignore you, even if you have a good reason. First of all they suck, and secondly you have a history of arguing with him so they don't care.

No, I can have him banned.

LURK MOAR! (In September I was banned for like 3 weeks because some asshole named Ralph from the Battleheart forum said he was gonna have me b& so I LOL'd at him and said he had no power... 15 mins later I was b& :lol:)

Yeah, I remember that :lol: Funny stuff!
In other words: You have nothing against me.

Better luck next time, little troll. :lol:

I said I was waiting for a good opportunity because it will be much more funny. Do you have a hard time understanding English? Here...

Dije que esperaba una buena oportunidad porque será mucho más divertida. ¿Usted tiene un inglés que entiende del tiempo duro?

I said I was waiting for a good opportunity because it will be much more funny. Do you have a hard time understanding English? Here...

Dije que esperaba una buena oportunidad porque será mucho más divertida. ¿Usted tiene un inglés que entiende del tiempo duro?


Snif snif... what's this smell? Mmmm, ahh yeah, it's the stench of fail! Nice online translator, faggot! :lol:

edit: Just in case you didn't notice, the translation makes no sense.
Uhuh, been better :erk:. Just realized this morning that my haircut is totally grown out and my hair look like Bruce Dickinson's hair in 80's and that my two and half years old son is becoming Alexi fanboi. He just want to watch CRY DVD and wants black nail polish and guitar. Winnie the Pooh is so out...
at the mall, a bunch of guys from school were fuckin drunk. they were holding on to us because they kept falling over..then we ditched em. and a couple hours later they were arreseted and taken to the hospital with everyone they were with.
fucken idiots