Not sure how many shows they have here but it looks like they are playing at least three or four of the major cities, but they are only playing small venues. 1000-1500 capacity by the look of it. No idea how many tickets they are selling but they seem to get a reasonable reception here. I have no idea how they got the pizza shop gig though, maybe they know the owner or something.

Not suprising Bach sells more tickets here, but he also doesn't do pizza shops, although he did do a performance in front of his bus a few months ago.
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Those two aren't in the greatest band ever though. They are in the drug addled, fucked up band that Alice plays with to show he supports people with a mental disorder!
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Ok so I got hold of a copy of One Bad MF today and had a listen. If only Friedman could actually play a guitar that album would be so much better!

Seriously though these sort of albums are not usually my thing, it's not a disrespect to the players it's just that I don't find them high on the rotation list so I tend to feel like I don't get my moneys worth from them. That said I do own or have copies of quite a few of Marty's albums as well as other guitar hero type albums and other instrumental albums that date back to the 60's.

That said One Bad MF is a good album, there is a lot there and there is no doubt all the guys on stage can play their toys. I'll probably have another listen to it before I give it back just to see how it sits a second time but I do expect that I'll still like it. Not sure if I'll buy it immediately but I'll no doubt get it the first time I see it in the discount bin at the local record shop.
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I'm gonna get it, but no idea when. I'm so behind and it seems like there's always something demanding money. I still haven't gotten his last studio album and I really wanted it lol. But they are both on the list!
There isn't enough time for music listening sadly.
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I make time these days. Often that time is with headphones only or broken up into trips in the car but I do make an effort so as to get something different in my days.

As much as I didn't mind Marty's CD I saw the new clip of Vai's on Bravewords this morning and that song does absolutely nothing for me.
Vai has a new song? Vai is absolutely one of my favorite guitarists. Passion And Warfare is perfect. But he lost me since the Ultrazone, And that was a really long time ago. He said he wanted to do an aggressive album while his fingers could still do it. But that was 10 years ago at least and he still hasn't done it.
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Yeah there isn’t much time but you Must make time for life is too short not to.It really isn’t fair to ourselves to spent all this money and have all this passion to not enjoy it. I completely understand that we’re not young anymore hanging out with like minded friends,those days are sadly long gone but I refuse to give up enjoying what I Love because without it I’m DEAD!!!
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Yeah I was bored, it does nothing for me. Holy compressed guitar sound.

Yeah from the get go the song just didn't hook me. It might be cleverly done and look spiffy but there isn't enough substance in the music for me.
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