Never really appreciated Eric Johnson, and I love guitar based music (shred, blues, jazz), always leaned toward Satch and Vai back in the late 80's and early 90's...

I certainly love Vai and Satch more but Eric Johnson has a nice style with some great songs. But he doesn't have the same energy as the guys that shred..or should I say an energy that isn't as attractive to me.
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Spot on guys, I didn't post it for the affinity of Johnson. I too share the same sentiments of Satch and Vai.
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Man, that may have came out bad...I totally respect Eric Johnson, but when it comes to Blues/Rock I will go with Clapton 9 times out of 10. If you guys remember the first G3 album, pretty sure it had Eric Johnson if I'm not mistaken, very good stuff, but I never broke down and bought his music. Once again the "I'm to metal for that attitude" was probably in full force in those days. LOL
If you're looking for attitude you won't find it with Eric Johnson..not in his music anyway lol
In that G3 video they have that jam at the end and I forget which song it was but Vai and Satch are just in
the groove and Johnson just kind of gave this put off look on his face lol
Yeah,he's a one man show.He used to be in a Norwegian band called Tantara,but has since been going back to school.
Yes I believe he did.He was suppose to do a solo album between going to school and work,but I just found out that he rejoined Tantara.
I hoped that you would dig it. Interesting note about the producer of that album,it was none other than Flemming Rasmussen