The SINGLE best Opeth solo?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I'm not usually one to start these threads, but I was listening to The Grand Conjuration solo just before and realized it is probably my favourite Mike solo ever. There's a certain interplay between it and the backing, plus the way it interlocks with the riff progression is just magical... it's really tasteful soloing taken to a new level, IMO.

How about you all? Remember. Only ONE solo.
not a big fan of tgc solo, one of my favs is the first solo in wreath, a song thats not talked aboutmuch but its works perfectly with the rythem and has this cheesy gary moore type bend at the end, brilliant stuff
Yeah, the Leper solo is great. It has Mike-factor oozing out every orifice. It sounds very 'fun' though, and however great it is, it just doesn't seem to mesh as well with the track as the TGC one does. But damn does it come close.
In melody its a very odd solo as the riff before it is possibly the complete opposite melody wise to the solo. Still, that ending is quite possible genius and in the first three minutes of that song they achieve more than alot of metal bands would in their entire careers.
when I read this post, the absolute first solo I started humming in my mind turned out to be that of When, that one definitely stands out for me, it meshes excellently well with the rythym section as well
When solo? Well cool, it's good to get some different opinions, but I'm listening to it now... I just don't see it at all. The guitar playing sounds bland and unexpressive. If I were to go with a Peter solo, I'd probably go with Moonlapse Vertigo... that one just sounds bizarre and it really fuckin works with the song!
Moonlapse said:
When solo? Well cool, it's good to get some different opinions, but I'm listening to it now... I just don't see it at all. The guitar playing sounds bland and unexpressive. If I were to go with a Peter solo, I'd probably go with Moonlapse Vertigo... that one just sounds bizarre and it really fuckin works with the song!

that first arpeggio of notes that comes in just establishes a powerful presence for that whole section, and it just flows with it very melodically and emotionally... I dunno how to really put how I hear it in words, but that's a bit of an attempt
A Fair Judgement (All 3 combined) But if i have to pick 1, then peter's (6:56) i'm right in thinking this is peter right?
Well the 1st AFJ solo has serious emotion pouring out of it. Thats why i really like it.