The SINGLE best Opeth solo?

Danallica said:
The solo on 'Serenity painted death' that kicks in at about 6:20

man im lovin Still life all over again

I prefer the one at 3:20. When it hits that mark I'm in heaven for the next minute or so.
Moonlapse said:
Yeah it counts in two parts. The first solo is Mike and the second is Peter. They interchange after that little pause during the middle.

i did not know that, thats cool
this thread clearly depicts opeth's talent in solos...everyone has different favorites while also seconding other people's choices. this band uses solos very very wisely (and sparely). i cant think of one opeth solo i wouldnt put out my ear to listen to...this is so uncommon in the metal scene.
The first solo in Windowpane.. Watching Lamentations probably brought me to this choice, seeing Mikael completely losing himself in the music, in combination with the crowd cheering just gives me goosebumps..
Someone should make a list who does what solo and when, it's too confusing with all the splits and 2 solos and stuff.