The SINGLE best Opeth solo?

blimey said:
you have a great ear for talent ................................... :erk:

mike's part used to be my favourite, the way it tumbles along is great, and really emotional. but i find peters part the most memorable and powerful especially as it closes the solo.
The solo on 'Serenity painted death' that kicks in at about 6:20

man im lovin Still life all over again
EveOfDarkness said:
Serenity Painted Death solo, i just flows so well and has classic Mike written all over it. i also like how it goes perfectly in to the next singing section.


This solo fucking owns. Its fast, melodic... perfect really.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yea, theres still not really any question in my mind why MAYH annihilates most other Opeth material. as for the solo, he didnt pretty well re-creating it...but he kind of looked nervous/cautious while playing it. anyone else pick up on that?

I thought the same thing, he looked like he was either nervous or he was half expecting to fuck up or something. And I think that section was noticeably slower live than it was on the album. Maybe it was just me. I wish they would have played "When" any of the times I've seen them, they don't do too much from MAYH apart from Demon of the Hammerfall.

My favorite solo I think is from Godhead's Lament. It just flows so fluidly and just seems so powerful, but almost every one of their solos fits that bill, so....tough call!
I always wondered why they play most songs slower live. Is it because they're afraid to fuck up or is there some other reason for this?
Opethian666 said:
I always wondered why they play most songs slower live. Is it because they're afraid to fuck up or is there some other reason for this?

Have you noticed that? Huh, I must've not been paying close enough attention at their shows, heh heh. I guess it makes sense though if they do, since it'd be pretty easy to get lost in some of their songs with the whole ensemble going.
Yeah it would just be interesting to have confirmation why exactly they do this. Cause imo, if they played When at the normal speed live, it would rip my ass right off. :lol: