Go Colts! Anyone who supports the Patriots is a homo.
Sorry if I was born and raised in New England, and not that shit-stain called Indiana.
I was gonnabut Zeph makes a good point. your post should apply to all Gaytriots bandwagon jumper-oners.
Are you saying that being from a certain area is not a good reason to be a fan of the team that represents it? Or that anyone who likes a team for that reason is a poser or bandwagoner? Did you decide to move to Indianapolis because of the Colts?That has nothing to do with you liking the Patriots. I was born and mostly raised in Florida, but the Colts have and always will be my favorite football team. Besides, you aren't even a true fan, didn't we come to this conclusion a week or so ago?
And you can go fuck yourself for talking shit about a state you've never been to.
Are you saying that being from a certain area is not a good reason to be a fan of the team that represents it? Or that anyone who likes a team for that reason is a poser or bandwagoner? Did you decide to move to Indianapolis because of the Colts?
so because the redsox have HUGE value in the market, that is what you base that on? ok makes sense, but i dont agree with it, cubs did the same but they sucked for many years, i think it is still the yankees.
No, I'm saying just because you are from that area doesn't mean you are a fan by default.
People who only root for a team because it's the "home" team annoy me.
Well then, what is a legitimate reason to like a team?