The Sports Thread

Once again a year later in another close game, Dallas loses another one, well, I was sad they lost, but I'll live, same as last year. I was disappointed the Colts lost as well because that's my future brother-in law's team, so we both felt the pain today. I just hope the Patriots lose, somebody, anybody beat them, that's about the only thing I'm pulling for in the playoffs now.
hahahaha @ Tony Homo and the Cowboys. Eat a dick, boys.

Pats will stomp the shit out of the fucking Pack in the Superbowl. They'll beat the fucking Pack far worse than the Pack beat them in the Superbowl of 1997.

That is IF the Patriots even make it to the Super Bowl. I'm kind of sick of everyone counting teams out just because the Patriots are going up against them.

I mean sure you've got Brady, God's personal body guards as the O-line, and some of the most reliable WRs in the game - but shit they're still bearly sneaking by at points.

They'll probably make it - but the chance of them not making it is A LOT higher than people think.

Also I kind of have to laugh at the idea of the Patriots "stomping the shit out of" the Packers.
Probably one of the 15 million new bandwagon fans too.

BULLSHIT, don't insult me!
I've been a loyal fan for almost 30 yr.s. Have seen & been thru some tough years w/ the Pats when they sucked & would not even be on tv because they could not sell out the stadium.So i'm enjoying thier success of late.
I enjoy discussing sports & having some fun at other peoples & teams failures...just think it should be done on a certain level. I could be like other fans onboard here & come out & say the Colts suck,Manning a f-in fag etc.
I'm thrilled they lost but i'm not going to be an idiot blowhard!
BULLSHIT, don't insult me!
I've been a loyal fan for almost 30 yr.s. Have seen & been thru some tough years w/ the Pats when they sucked & would not even be on tv because they could not sell out the stadium.So i'm enjoying thier success of late.
I enjoy discussing sports & having some fun at other peoples & teams failures...just think it should be done on a certain level. I could be like other fans onboard here & come out & say the Colts suck,Manning a f-in fag etc.
I'm thrilled they lost but i'm not going to be an idiot blowhard!

Bullshit, don't lie to me.

Your grammar (or rather lack thereof) reminds me of a sixth graders, not a thirty year old.
Cmon...i'm not lying.I'm only young at heart.I consider myself fairly intelligent...ok i'm not the greatest typing on the keys-ha!
No, really I do remember the bad days & the Pats were nothing to boast about.

The old Shaffer/Sullivan stadium it was like a f-in highschool field.The good guys like Grogan,Tatuppu,Stingley,Hannah!Idiots like Eason,Fryar (who turned himself around),incidents like harassing reporter Lisa Olsen in the locker.They used to be a joke of a franchise.So let me enjoy them now-ha ha!
Is that enough evidence?
LOL Cowboys fan

So much for that "whoever wins the Pack vs. Cowboys game goes to the superbowl" statement you made, eh?
Well the thing about the Cowboys is they get hot or cold based on Romo. When Romo is hot the team is well nigh unbeatable. When Romo is cold the team is shit. Give Romo a couple of years and he should be able to maintain the consistency of Brady or P. Manning (not the skill, the week-in-week-out consistency.) People never seem to realize that next year or the year after is when Romo is going to really blossom as a player... he is still the same player as he was at the start of last year, young at heart and naive. Next year hopefully he'll be more weathered and tough. On top of that we have 2 first round picks so the future looks bright mang.
Speaking of quarterbacks maturing, Phillip Rivers was looking really confident and calm in the pocket. I think he will be around for a while and will be a solid and consistent leader.

..and I hadn't seen much Jacksonville football this season, but Saturday David Garrard looked great! In fact, the whole Jaguars team looked great. Just not great enough to beat the Pats. Definitely a force to be reckoned with for next season.
Mathiäs;6837217 said:
They will beat the Titans and then get promptly slaughtered


Here we come. I bet you were hoping to play the Titans, eh? You may not admit it, but you're scared of the Chargers...or you should be. I am not in any way guaranteeing a Charger victory. I am pretty satisfied that we won a playoff game this season. But I think there is a dynamic between the Colt and Chargers that allows the Chargers to be very competitive with the Colts. With that, the Chargers talent, and the confidence boost from the playoff win, I think it will be a good game.

This guy knows what he's talking about, eh?

Honest answer: No.

I was hoping the Chargers would win (you can go back and look at my predictions and see I picked the Chargers too). I've said this to a few people, but I predicted that the playoffs would work itself out so that the Colts would avenge their two loses of the year. So far so good. The Chargers are coming to the loudest stadium in the league (arguably), and unless the Jaguars passing game improves dramatically, we'll be heading to Foxboro to knock the Cheatriots out as well. It's really a Colt's fan dream to see it work out this way.

If I were you, I'd be worried. The Chargers are going on the road to play the defending champs. Not only that, but the Colt's defense is alot better than the Titans, and the Colts offense is infinitely better than the Titans. The Chargers were shut out for a complete half. They couldn't do anything against a mediocre Titans team. The first time they met this season as a complete fluke, even you would acknowledge that. Manning isn't going to throw 6 picks again and the Colts ST has improved alot since then as well. Also, Gates is hurt, however the severity of the injury is still a mystery. I'm sure by wednesday or so we should hear more on it when the Chargers return to practice, but if Gates can't play, that's really going to hinder the Chargers. He's probably 1/3 of their offense (LT and Champers/Jackson being the other). That's huge! I mean, I hope Gates isn't too seriously injured, but I'm not going to lose any sleep if he doesn't play. The Colts have had/have enough injuries to last them a lifetime.

The two things that scare me are Jammer and Cromartie. Those two corners are just sick, specifically Cromartie. That interception he had against the Colts earlier this year was one of the top 10 interceptions I have ever seen in my life. He is just a stud. The rest of their defense is rather hit or miss. Philips and Merriman are deadly yes indeed, but the Colts o-line is finally going to be healthy, and when they play their game they are one of the two best o-lines in the league. It will be interseting to see just how much the Chargers want to blitz Manning. Harrison is going to be coming back healthy, FINALLY! So they'll have to worry about Harrison, Wayne, Gonzalez, Clark, and Addai out of the backfield. So blitzing Manning might not be a great idea. Mess with the bull, you get the horns.

All in all, I'm just fucking excited. I love the playoffs. If it wasn't for the weather, this would probably be my favorite time of the year. How I see the game going is pretty simple:

Chargers will take their opening drive down for a td or field goal. Manning will take their opening drive for a td. After the game starts to get settled, the Colts defense will completely shut down LT. Rivers will throw 2 interceptions, and 0 passing tds. LT will be held to 80 yards rushing, 1 td.

End result - Colts 31 Chargers 13

edit: On a side note, Bob Sanders was named the defensive player of the year. :kickass:

I guess it was opposite day, eh?

Bolts over Colts! Eat them words, baby!
So...yeah. I would have posted last night, but due to the fact I got completely obliterated after the Colts game, I couldn't really make it to my laptop.

Pretty pathetic game by the Colts for sure. Even if they did win yesterday, they didn't deserve it.
The next time anybody says anything to the effect of guaranteeing a Super Bowl victory before the fucking conference championships have even occurred yet, or if you refer to the team that you enjoy most as 'my' or 'our' or 'we' or any other noun that attempts to include yourself into the equation, I'm going to abuse my mod powers to delete your ANNOYING FUCKING POSTS. And this seems to be mostly Patriots fans, big surprise there.
Pretty pathetic game by the Colts for sure. Even if they did win yesterday, they didn't deserve it.

Don't try to take away the fact that the Chargers beat their opponent. It wasn't just (or necessarily) the Colts playing bad, it was the Chargers playing good. The Bolts defense pressured Manning and stopped the Colts drives. Even with all of the things that went against the Chargers, they still beat the Colts. They did what it took to win, and the Colts could not do what they needed to do to win against the Chargers. You can say what you like about the regular season game between these two teams, and I will agree with much of it, but nobody is going to take this victory away from the San Diego Chagers. This defeat for the Colts is not at all like last year when the Chargers gave the game away to the Pats and had ONLY themselves to blame. It was a competitive game.

Looking forward to next week, I am less confident of the outcome. I do believe that if the Chargers have everybody playing, that they can make it a game, and even win. I would love to avenge our playoff loss from last year. But the Patriots are just very very good.

Man, how about a Giants/Chargers superbowl? That would be an anticlimactic season for all those generic football fans, eh? I think that would be a beautiful thing!

So KR, how do you feel about the future of the head coaching position/situation for the colts next year?