The Sports Thread

He's getting 25 million a year to play in a league that no one watches. I wonder how the league can afford to shell out that kind of money. The only professional league less followed here in America is the professional lacrosse league. My roommate does some kind of job on the side working for Boston's lacrosse team. I didn't even know it existed till she told me about it. Lacrosse is such as stupid sport.
I watched some program and apparently football (soccer) is the most played sport in the country, by kids and stuff that is. Probably because there are so many spanitos, etc. And all you need is a round ball and a patch of grass.
The thing is, when kids get to their early teens, they switch over to American football. It isn't very safe for little kids to play American football, though there are leagues for little kids.
Shame about Mr. Utley. I like the Phillies (local team and all). I guess if I had an NL team, it'd be them. Though, ironically, I am unable to watch the vast majority of their games. I can watch every single team except for the Phillies.
He is too good for MLS even towards the end of his career. But who can turn down 125 million quid in five years to play for a crap team.
Didn't he get seriously injured and is no longer able to really compete in whatever league he was playing in? I imagine he's basically playing with kids, though, as anyone good enough to play in any other league but MLS avoid MLS.
Shame about Mr. Utley. I like the Phillies (local team and all). I guess if I had an NL team, it'd be them. Though, ironically, I am unable to watch the vast majority of their games. I can watch every single team except for the Phillies.

Chase thinks he'll be back my beginning to middle of August.
I never played soccer. The only sport I really liked was football. I played pop warner - highschool. I loved football so much that even after I got fucked up I still played. I can't even really name all of the injuries I had.

6th grade I had turf toe all throughout the season.
7th grade not much really happened I guess.
8th grade I broke my arm the day BEFORE our season opener. I was starting corner and quarterback too. Was dominate (right) arm too. I was pretty sad and upset for the longest time about that but I still healed and came back my freshman year.
9th grade I had a hip-pointer, strained achilles tendon, pinched nerve in my neck, two concussions, and bruised ribs from when I got tackled and the point of the ball rammed me in my ribs. I couldn't hardly walk for almost a week.
10th-12th was pretty much the same old shit. Only had one more concussion, but I still had that pinched nerve in my neck that bothered me all the time. Got a couple mallet fingers from the ball jamming my finger.

Was pretty brutal, but I loved playing so it was all worth it I guess.

edit: In hindsight. I should have never joined the marines after seeing what happened to me in football. I shoulda known I was gonna get fucked up somehow. Which is inevitably what happened.