The stage costumes - all about it here!

i have to choose between the gigs and the clothes I fear, soo...rather the gigs I think
"...Viking.....IN A CAR?"

My brother inlaw drove me to Hailing Island wearing a Mexican Wrestling mask/costume a few years ago when him and my sister started going out, I totally didn't see it coming.
some stuff happened once, me wearing a black dress and sitting on the tram...small child wanted to sit next to me, his mum pulled hm away with the word "dont sit there, she is dangerous, look at her -she wears all black and worshipps satan who´s dangerous".
and i was like "wtf?"
some stuff happened once, me wearing a black dress and sitting on the tram...small child wanted to sit next to me, his mum pulled hm away with the word "dont sit there, she is dangerous, look at her -she wears all black and worshipps satan who´s dangerous".
and i was like "wtf?"

Nonsense; Satan is only dangerous when one makes the wrong incantation. :heh: