The Surrealist / Stream of Thought writing Thread

Spitting into an avantgarde euphoria during a northwestern dreaming sequence is not recommended, unless you're wearing your disruptive horngear which blocks the nuclear mucus projectiles from reaching the spatial snores cubicle.
I can picture it vividly. Can't you?:p

We're obligated to make sense throughout our entire lives. How depressingly restrictive. Don't ruin the fun, Rabbi's Beadhanger:mad:
Whilst farting uncontrolled body dismorphia onto tiny morsels of sphagnum through the eye of a urinal cake, I turned slowly to my presumed gumption and asked for ten thousand times the power of everything in order to crush and obliterate the gargantuan, sweaty heaving mass of time. But it was all too late.
Matter cannot appear out of nowhere, silly rabbit. That is a physical law, fought over by physical lawyers in a battle to the death where one's only ally is a q-tip and one's sense of drama. Coming soon to Fox.

Not according to Quatum Mechanics. :zombie:

Everything you hold dear is destroyed by the quantum world.