The Surrealist / Stream of Thought writing Thread

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My oh my what great pilates you have!!

Maybe one day I'll start a project of just that...sequencing BM is tough though, so I should find some, you know, musicians...
Gyroid names my son Hyurbh. We live a large life on a planar orange this side of Texafornia. I have a dogfish named Turborazor who melts into existence every morning and at 6PM every other day. Time never passes, it only slows down. The inevitable pull towards psychosis is found through melanges of narcotic crania.

From a pulverizing window, air is blown through smokestacks and tube systems which infest my being and violate me twenty-four hours of a year, whatever that is. At the time, it never seems like a bad idea until your body ends up on the other side of the fence. Trying things on in stores never works because freedom is capitalism; you know how the old saying goes: "don't count your chickens before they can rape your mother raw."

From my perception I can see your grotesque longing, seeking me out through a GPS system made of packing peanuts and magma. To touch me, you must roll twenty-five fifty-sided dice. Your total must not exceed five-thousand four-hundred ninety-seven, but it can also not be above zero, or you collapse in a fit of panic, sodomy, and angelmeat.

The elevator never comes down. It only goes ever up.
Until I find real band members (and that's even an if), I won't be able to do that. Programming everything yourself takes REAL patience.
There once was an old man who lived in some goo. I went over one day tomorrow to meet him for the first time, and have a spot of tea. It was translucent! We talked about all the fun times we had including art projects and eating contests from days long disintegrated. Much to my surprise and despair he climbed out of his shell and tugged on my pant-leg. I sat down to follow him and we ended up on a boat, walking across a hot desert with an abundance of nothing to eat and very little gravity. Forced to compete for attention we swam backwards until we had had our fill. Along the way we met a funny little bird who seemed compelled to interrogate our picnic basket for gnats. Finding none he ate them all. Pig! So the fuzzy little squirrel buzzed off and took the old man with him. I had to make the trek back alone. As we finally arrived at his humble abode he shook my hand and I waved goodbye. It was a sad parting and I regret to report I never ended up meeting this living legend, though our paths crossed often.


HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrkkhaaaaahahahaha I live again!!!

Tread softly. The aliens in this county don't take lightly to your hair being longer than -56 inches, they'll probly gut you and boil you alive for it but as long as I get to keep your uterine lining I'll make a nice casserole with it. Everyone will be happy.

I like a happy turtle.
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Yeah, I think I'm cracking...

Actually, it's just hard to do this stuff without some repetition of vocabulary. To my knowledge, though, I've only used "happy" prominently in two of my posts.