The Ten Year Anniversary of...

May 1, 2003
Kurt Cobain's death is near. I don't know about you guys but I have always been a fan of Kurt's music and still am. I can't believe it's gonna be ten years now since he died. It makes me wanna cry sometimes just listening to his voice knowing that he's not alive and that he can't continue to make music. I've been listening to Nirvana since I was a kid and, IMO, there hasn't been any other bands out there like them (in that genre) that I enjoyed listening to. Even though Kurt's not here, his music will live on forever.



@Bodomic: Well, a lot of artists have died that way. If it wasn't drugs, it was alcohol. But I'm just saying one of my favourite artists from my childhood is no longer here and making music, and is missed by his fans. I'm just showing respect.
I dont know what Nirvana has that other bands do not, they wrote a few nice songs but I think they're rather overrated

No disrespect.. but I dont care much about this anniversary
I do like Nirvana's music a lot when the time is right. Particulary the Unplugged album.
But he does piss me off in someways. The main one being how he complained about being the biggest band in the world. I understand that the interviews and all the media stuff must have got tiering. But at the end of the day he was getting paid to play music, influenced millions of people, and people worshiped him, and because of this he killed himself. I obviously don't know all the facts, as no one ever will. But I think there is a lot more worse things in the world to happen to you than get famous and be "mainstreamed".
Personally I think Courtney drove him to it. In someways, as we all know what love can do to you. But I would have thought by 27 he could handle it.

Just a total waste at the end of the day.
This band is not very popular in these boards, for some reason many people hate it. I do like them, Nevermind and Unplugged in New York are two great albums. Kurt, RIP.
i agree with magsec.

he may have had a few "decent" songs, but hes far from the martyr and musical god people make him out to be. i honestly dont care whether hes alive or dead, as it is with tupac, etc.
^That's what I liked about him, too. I don't care about how he lived his life cuz it didn't affect my life in anyway... all I know is that his music was something I grew up with and has helped through the roughest times.
Yea, i dont really like nirvana too much. imo they are overrated and the other bands that are better than them deserve more respect. I do respect his ability of songwriting, as he was veryt good at it. But i hate when people recognze him as a great guitarist, when that he wasnt. I think other musicians deserve their anniversary to be recognized more than Cobain.
BodomiC said:
am I the only one that really dont give a shit about that one? he ate to many drugs and died.... the last way I wanna die

Krigloch the Furious said:
I fucking hate Nirvana and Cobain. Could care less that he is dead. good riddance.


Im sorry but I cannot stand Nirvana. I also never liked Kurt's whiney lyrics either so I do not miss having to hear about how great those are anymore on the radio or by peers.

I remeber some girl in my middle school class that tried to kill herself when she found out he died. She had to go to a mental institute. That was back when I hated all music. :lol:
I've never felt sorry for Kurt, I always thought he was a knob. But that's just me.
Nirvana's music is alright, it can be listenable but I grew out of it a while back, Foo Fighters are much better in my opinion.

The man had a lot going for him, like Dave does now, but obviously he didn't want it.