*groan* I hate today!
"Today" started at 2:30 this morning, when we were woken up by a call of distress from my little brother, Tim. Now Tim has been overseas for an extended working holiday in the Canary Islands with his girlfriend, and he's just come back for a month. His 21st birthday is on Monday.
Out drinking with friends that he hasn't seen in six months (as you do), he started having a drunken mock fight with said friends (also, apparently, as you do). Someone fell on his leg and voila! One dislocated knee. They couldn't put him on painkillers either, at least at first, because of the alcohol still in his system; so it was some time before all the king's men could put humpty dumpty back together again.
So after very little sleep, I came to work. I am leaving this office in a week and a half and I had to start training my replacement today, so I can't have MSN, I can't listen to music, and I can't look at webpages while I'm working on the database (she's at my desk, so I'm on a shitbox spare computer which keeps crashing if I'm in another window while the database is trying to switch between records). I've even run out of tea, because I didn't bother replenishing my jars when they ran out last week. I've got
none of the luxuries I'm used to having to keep me awake
(yes, I know I've been spoilt ;p)
This next week is going to suck yeast-infested donkey cunt.