The "they'll never stop me from downloading music" thread

I'm a total collector. Got hundreds of cds, mcs and lps at home. Downloading isn't even an option for me, except the record is extremely rare.

In my opinion, the Steam model is what the rest of the digital media industry should be looking to emulate.

word. I used to pirate every single game, but with Steam I know I can wait for sales, the prices are reasonable, and there's always something else that I'm interested and can play while waiting for the other thing. It far outweighs the problems of potential viruses in pirated games, problems running them, issues from the pirated copy not being good, having issues with dlc etc. Now with Steam I not only buy games, but a lot more of them that I wouldn't have even bothered with before. Even if its a small amount of money, the publishers get something and raise awareness for that product/series and any future sequels. Hell, I even bought games that I had pirated copies of before that didn't work so well that I wanted to get the full, working product of.
Oh right, I heard that Spotify finally got released in the USA now. How're you liking it so far and the paying alternatives you have?

Digging the free version so far!

I'm currently listening to some old Neu! records I'd never heard, and was just recently checking out David Byrne's soundtrack to HBO's Big Love, classic Roxy Music, and the New Zealand blackened death gods Ulcerate (maybe my new favorite metal band).

Those records are exemplar of why I like the service. What it allows me to do is visit recordings and artists that I've either always wanted to check out, had trouble finding, or related projects or bands I never would have otherwise found.

The downsides to the free application are the obnoxious ads (which would TOTALLY harsh my mellow had I been, you know.), the occasional snag in audio, and the mandatory Facebook integration for sharing songs amongst friends (which, truth be told, is very well done. I just hate Facebook).

The upsides are vast, and as I said, I haven't pirated any digital music since I've started with the service. I must also add that the playback is INSTANTANEOUS, which truly blows my mind (I hear it's built on an p2p upstream-centric bit torrent-esque model).

This is the model of the future. What the people want is music, instantly, and if not free, at a reasonable price. I'm incredibly tempted to plunk down the $10/m for the removal of ads, unlimited streaming, and mobile app (how is that, by the way?).

There's plenty of more to say, but I'm jamming too hard right now.

To tunes on Spotify.
well I can put it this way regarding the mobile app part. connectivity to the smartphones (iphone anyways, I actually have no idea which platforms spotify are available on but I assume you can just check their website) is actually where it shines. With the Iphone as an example, you pretty much need one of the paid subscriptions for pretty much the same functions the program has on the PC. Aka, you can search for any music and play from your phone as much as you want. Add this to the extra stuff like you can save stuff offline as well and you get all kinds of neat functionality to it. Also paying for it gives you the maximum sound quality instead of the standard (but acceptable in most cases) sound quality in the free version.

We've had Spotify here in Europe for a couple of years so it'll be interesting to see what you guys think of it. The free version got a little gimped now that its available there but it should be quite enough to test it out. And yeah, the facebook connectivity is pretty great CHECK OUT MY PLAYLISTS (or we can make some weird neverboard recommendation playlist that is obviously bound to fail)
Finally got a spotify invite email today so checked it out some, and yeah, it's pretty rad. A lot of the stuff I listen to a lot was easily found, a few newer albums are missing but that's no surprise, I suppose. Impressive selection, regardless. The ads though, eesh, dude needs to chill.