The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

Well Ive been gone for a while, but MY GOD this thread has grown since I posted it! Thats great!

sykosami said:
Wow, I just have to say that in here, it is actually civilised. Nice for a change.

(Ah a fellow Aussie!) It is, but as Neith says:
Neith said:
This place isn't always so civilised, but the very purpose of this thread was to be civilised. No doubt it will disintegrate at some point.

... its not always the most civilised place, but I think for those of us who have frequented this forum for some time, we've developed a sense of tolerance for differing opinions here. I hope this thread's purpose doesnt disintegrate... I wanted it to be a "friendly" thread, so we can all bash one another in the real discussions :goggly:

Ptah Khnemu said:
Being homophobic IMO is the most pointless thing you could possibly be, aside from Vegan. But this isn't the place for that. I'm just putting it out there.

LOL, I have to agree with this! Homophobia is the most pathetic concept ever conceived. I mean really - hating someone because they choose to bonk someone of the same gender? REALLY, think about it... don't you all think that such a concept really has NO logic behind it whatsoever? Every homophobe on this planet needs a frypan to the temple, and not with a gentle tap either!

Being Vegan is a nice concept (so is the concept of Starfleet for that matter), but in practice I dont think its a successful thing. Mind you, I know people who are vegan and I respect their efforts. As for me, I'll take another bite of <insert meat type here>.

speed said:
I agree with the vegan comment (opinion here), but I dont think being homosexual is a choice, but genetically predetermined. Im sure there's some outliers to this statement.

Agreed, 100%.
It is excellent to have you back hubster. Yes, it can be a warzone at times around here, but I still think its a worthwhile symposium of ideas.
Okay, Ive noticed the photo's havent been coming in this thread, so Im going to rack them up again.

These are ones I took around 1.5 yrs ago at Bronte Cemetary. I like going there, its very peaceful, interesting, and the ocean rolls away over the cliffs at the edge of tge Cemetary.



Speed, that was my attempt to connect with the kids, you know, that hippity-hop and all that. (notice to certain innocent posters: this is a joke)

You dont need to ask such a question.
Justin S. said:

Speed, that was my attempt to connect with the kids, you know, that hippity-hop and all that. (notice to certain innocent posters: this is a joke)

You dont need to ask such a question.

i was joking too.
You can't have a serious discussion without at least a little humor. As for me, I do try to keep it to a minimum.
This past week I took some time out from Italia to visit my home town, the place where my family originates and where most of them still live. (It is Stranraer and the surrounding area in SW Scotland, for the interested :p) Anyhoo, here are a few pictures:

The car I whored about in for the week:


The house where my Dad and his entire family were raised (all 11 of them):


Fallen headstone from a haunted cemetary, where my great-Grandfather was the gravedigger:


The place is hidden out in the country, a private dwelling for the deceased of a rich rich family which died out a hundred years ago. It's a well documented place for being haunted and rumour has it my great grandfather often talked to the ghosts and as such his bloodline (i.e ME!) are immune from being haunted.

A plaque from the cemetaries vault:


A stone from a house my great-great Aunty once lived in (now in a museum)


For the un-initiated, it means "Execute Vengeance on the Wicked" - Which I thought was most cool.



AND me, before departing. (Yes, I enjoy silly shades and video-game t-shirts):


My feet (and crotch):


AND finally, this reminded me of Dreaming Neon Black, the Nevermore album:


I had a really good time, I'm back in Italy now but being in the place where the energy and spirits of my family come from made me feel really connected to my life and this planet. That's sorta lame, but I felt it none the less :) Rawk on, chappies and lassies.