THE thread for people who don't wanna get their asses banned

This forum is quite shitty atm, same goes for the AA forum. Perhaps to you guys it seems really nice here, but there aren't really any constructive and enjoyable threads compared to dark tranquillity forum for example or some other music related forums.

COBHC webmaster I hope you will make a good job at improving it.
ya the only thing i really hate about this board is the people who think their opinions are facts and that they are all elite and whatnot and have more say than other people. like somneone will say "i like AYDY" and someone will be like "well ive been on the board longer and and i dont like AYDY so im right and your wrong"
I've only just joined and I've noticed that. Sucks.

o·pin·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (o-pin-yon)
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion”
HauknessX said:
ya the only thing i really hate about this board is the people who think their opinions are facts and that they are all elite and whatnot and have more say than other people. like somneone will say "i like AYDY" and someone will be like "well ive been on the board longer and and i dont like AYDY so im right and your wrong"
i'm right and your wrong regardless of how long i've been here, its the way of the world. i win.
You noticed, the only people complaining are the 10 post people that probably won't last till 30 before they find a new flavour of the month?

If you don't wanna be ratted on, don't be a fannybaws.
I said it once before and I will say it again, just to spam:

COB is the new nu metal band, and nu metal is the kind of nightmare that lurks around heavy metal.

Alexi Laiho, I knew you were stupid from the time you dated that fat pig from that Sinergy band.

diltonics said:
I said it once before and I will say it again, just to spam:

COB is the new nu metal band, and nu metal is the kind of nightmare that lurks around heavy metal.

Alexi Laiho, I knew you were stupid from the time you dated that fat pig from that Sinergy band.


Acctually cock is for fags. NuMetal is more or less for people with bad tastes in music.