THE thread for people who don't wanna get their asses banned

By far this a the best forum ever, for me anyways. when i first come to forums i am aware of people that make you well unwelcome if you cant take a joke. this forums beat the Chavscum ones and the local scene ones around my area that are over populated with emokiddies and people who like indie/rock band....gad i hate them so much.

i felt welcome when i first posted, because i posted in the First time poster thready things so i got what it said. i stateed my opinion and people either acnoledged(sp?) it and left it alone or just plainly didnt read it. but they knew it was there.
-Gavin- said:
You noticed, the only people complaining are the 10 post people that probably won't last till 30 before they find a new flavour of the month?
You're right, it's easy to distinguish good and bad forums. :>
TheSeldomlaid said:
I never noticed your arrival, suddenly you just were here :p
Does that make me a ninja? :OMG:

Yeah, you see, I didn't start threads, I only posted a small notice in the noobie thread and I simply started to answer stuff and that's why :p
I felt welcome the first time I posted... what's the problem ?

People take shit too much personaly... "Ho my god ! He said I'm a fagget ! I will beat his ass from my computer screen !"...