The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I'm a little disappointed by Kénôse, I must say. It's listenable, but Si Monvmentvm... slaughters it. I think most will agree once the hype catches up with them.
I think I received a Demonized promo cd one time and was not impressed with it. I don't know...I'll have to look through the stack (granted I didn't throw it out)
Gallantry over Docility said:
I'm a little disappointed by Kénôse, I must say. It's listenable, but Si Monvmentvm... slaughters it. I think most will agree once the hype catches up with them.

It's only an ep's good but obviously lacks the length to even compare the two...
I wasn't really expecting much from Kénöse, so I wasn't disappointed. It was after all just something they did so that people wouldn't forget them between albums. I have higher expectations for the next "real" album.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
It's only an ep's good but obviously lacks the length to even compare the two...

Indeed you're right, though I wasn't talking about the length, I won't start expecting little from their next full-length on the basis of a seemingly quite experimental EP. It might grow on me anyway, I've only listened to it a few times, Si Monvmentvm... took longer than that to click with me.
DREAM THEATER SUCK apart from one song "AS I AM" if you listen to dream theatre because u think they're hard, you dont know hard.
In other news, Mikko's experimentation with his crazy power electronics shit (OK seriously everyone get Grunt - Terror & Degeneration) must be rubbing off on DSO!
I've listened to Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice three times today. Brilliant album, easily the best BM release of the last one and a half years at least. And to think I used to slate people for rating it as such...
Yes, I do, in fact.

Well, I'm waiting! Don't you keep a brotha waitin' now honey!

Edit: Whoa, creepy! I was seriously just thinking the same thing! Weird!
Haha ok then, "brotha." Whatever gets your jollies.

As for Blut Aus Nord...eeeeh I cannot get into them somehow. I've tried over and over again, but I just cannot see what is so spectacular about The Work Which Transforms God. Tell me what I am missing about this.

EDIT: *Twilight fucking Zone music*