The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Gallantry over Docility said:
I've listened to Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice three times today. Brilliant album, easily the best BM release of the last one and a half years at least. And to think I used to slate people for rating it as such...
Gah, "ball-room black metal". Seriously, most of this crap sounds like it was written for country-club members to waltz to while dressed in tuxedos and shit, and the rest sounds like it was written for the "tragic" parts of family dramas on the Lifetime channel (with the sole exception of "Hetoimasia", which IS a cool song). How this album became so highly rated is truly beyond me.

The sad part is that it IS easily the best BM album of the last year and five months, discounting the Old Wainds/Nav' split (assuming that you're counting Casus Luciferi as a 2003 release and not a 2004 release, and Ofermod's "Mysterion Tes Anomias" as a 1998 release since two of the three good songs were on the original '98 EP).
Christie_fell said:
As for Blut Aus Nord...eeeeh I cannot get into them somehow. I've tried over and over again, but I just cannot see what is so spectacular about The Work Which Transforms God. Tell me what I am missing about this.

What you're missing is Ultima Thuleé. Best BAN album, utterly amazing.
Christie_fell said:
Haha ok then, "brotha." Whatever gets your jollies.

As for Blut Aus Nord...eeeeh I cannot get into them somehow. I've tried over and over again, but I just cannot see what is so spectacular about The Work Which Transforms God. Tell me what I am missing about this.
Nothing. You've just seen beyond the idiotic amounts of hype and discovered the fact that it's a rather mediocre, utterly fucking pretentious album pretending to be avant-garde art.
Beware, for only the demo and first album (I think?) is really doomy from Cianide, they turned faster and more death metal after that. First album's doomdeath, pretty plain. Not as essential as some of the other bands in the genre, but I'd recommend to check out an MP3 or two from the first album, "The Dying Truth".

Mournful Congregation is OK funeral doom/doomdeath. They have their own style, but in quality come nowhere close to the greats like Thergothon and Skepticism. More conventionally structured and played. Haven't heard the new one in its entirety, I have been told that it is a major step up from the "Dawning of Mournful Hymns" 2CD that I already have.

Runemagick is excellent. You're into early 90's Swedish death metal and doom metal; frankly there is NO REASON why you don't own a large part of Runemagick's discography already. Think early Dismember or Hypocrisy crossed with Black Sabbath and you're almost there. Not pure doom, especially the earlier albums were more death metal. They're very prolific, releasing one or two albums a year, but I would particularly recommend "The Supreme Force of Eternity" for their death metal side, and "On Funeral Wings" for the slower, doomier side. Recommended tracks to download: "Curse of the Dark Rune", "When Death is the Key", "On Funeral Wings", "Temple of Skin" etc.
Décadent said:
What you're missing is Ultima Thuleé. Best BAN album, utterly amazing.
I will listen to this and give it a try...
Erik said:
Nothing. You've just seen beyond the idiotic amounts of hype and discovered the fact that it's a rather mediocre, utterly fucking pretentious album pretending to be avant-garde art.
In most cases of music I agree with you, so in the end (if Ultima Thulee does not grasp me), this just may be true.

@Nick: Not happy, just refreshed.
Christie_fell said:
In most cases of music I agree with you, so in the end (if Ultima Thulee does not grasp me), this just may be true.

TWWTG is the only album in that vein (apart from this new stuff they're doing). The old stuff was raw and melodic black/death.
The best Blut aus Nord album is, without anything even reminiscent of contest, "Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers of the Icy Age". Absolutely stunning and epic, and it completely craps all over their newest stuff, which Erik summed up pretty neatly.