The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Erik said:
Yeah, because first you were an Opeth worshipping fanboy who went "Maiden's lyrics aren't half as intelligent as Åkerfeldt's fine art poetry, and those 80's falsetto vocals are SO GAY, I mean HELLO BRUCE DICKINSON, THE EIGHTIES CALLED: THEY WANT YOUR VOCALS BACK LOL I CRACK MYSELF UP" and then you were an SRP worshipping fanboi who went "Maiden is highly overrated, having taken all the inventive neo-classical elements from Judas Priest and turned them into ideologically degenerate, highly derivative rock-based conventionally structured pop music" and in both cases I go BIG LOL @ U

Actually it stems all the way back to my Metallica-fanboy days when I deeply opposed Iron Maiden for having gay overrated music and vocals in comparison to Metallica's sexy vibe. I still find some early Metallica fairly enjoyable if I'm in the mood for something pretty simple and fun, though. On the other hand, Iron Maiden have just never done anything for me bar a few songs, in any way. Give me The Chemical Wedding any day.
Agalloch, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, old school Fates Warning, Symphony X, Sonata, old school Blind Guardian. Yeah, I'm a mainstream loser. BTW, Maiden are good.
Good call...I do like what I've heard of Eyes of Ligeia. They're very...chill. Not like the typical doom metal stereotype. And the album cover for What the Moon Brings is amazing.

On another note, what is the consensus on Karl Sanders' Saurian Meditation?
Usually metalcore albums have pretentious titles that mean absolutely nothing, but Buried Inside really seem to be sincere. "Time as Methodology" is a great song.
Varathron's Walpurgisnacht is one of the best examples of melodic black metal that i have heard and dare i say that it's even better than their debut, His Majesty at The Swamp. It bears a more heavy metal influence while retaining the aggression of thrash/black.