The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Perdition's Light said:
I agree 100% with this statement (only pertaining to me, not you, in this case) as there have been so many albums that I can't get into and then listen to drunk...lo and behold, the next day they are dear to me. Alcohol is truly a gift from god,I mean Odin.

Hahaha, exactly! It's strange the way that works sometimes. I find weed also has magical musical properties, and my adoration of Drudkh may not have reached such hights if not for it.
Décadent said:
Hahaha, exactly! It's strange the way that works sometimes. I find weed also has magical musical properties, and my adoration of Drudkh may not have reached such hights if not for it.

Yes, but I find weed's powers to be very musically specific. Drudkh would be a great one...never tried that. Anything repetitive, nature-themed, or spiritual, with powerful buildups and climaxes, is a perfect candidate for stoned enjoyment. Early Aeternus is great stoned...
You've got that right about "powerful buildups and climaxes"... Godspeed You! Black Emperor are utterly amazing when stoned. Burzum, Abyssic Hate, even Deathspell Omega are mindblowing. I haven't tried Aeternus... guess that's another one to add to the list.
just bought "F#A#" by GSYBE yesterday. good stuff. as always. Sigur Ros is coming out with a new album. that should be interesting

currently listening to Dekapitator's We will destroy, you will obey

*putting on denim jacket, drinking cheap beer and thrashing about wildly*
Perdition's Light said:
Yes, but I find weed's powers to be very musically specific. Drudkh would be a great one...never tried that. Anything repetitive, nature-themed, or spiritual, with powerful buildups and climaxes, is a perfect candidate for stoned enjoyment. Early Aeternus is great stoned...

Oddly enough, marijuana has no effect on me... unless i'm really drunk.
Explosions in the Sky are great. And so is marijuana, but I guess I won't be touching that for a long time... Fucking National Service. Nevermind, God gave us another gift...Alcohol.

Necrophobic's The Nocturnal Silence and Artillery's Terror Squad are kicking my ass lately.
crimsonfloyd said:
Thats probably cuz you're smoking weed from Cincinnati...

this is probably true. I know my bro has smoked some stuff from Vegas that he said totally fucked him up.

needless to say, i have not spent one red cent on weed. i usually only do it as a party favor.

P.S.: i think most of the stuff in Cincy comes from Kentucky anyways.
They decided to take it down themselves rather then being taken off by the RIAA or whatever their name is, smart move for them. shite for all of us

on another note, been listenin to alot of Wyrd, Lord Weird Slough Feg, Blut Aus Nord, Corrosion of Conformity and Pig Destroyer
COC is good stuff.

I recently found this Cali hardcore act called The Human Abstract that discovered this whole new way of writing metalcore riffs that is absolutely astounding.