The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

unknown said:
yessss!! arrr Bael are fucking excellent.

I've heard some of Those Who Tell the Truth... and it's pretty decent

Indeed! Glad to see another who enjoys them :)

Since you and I seem to be pretty equal in tastes, I'll give Those Who Tell the Truth a try, but I'm not really expecting much.
unknown said:

i don't understand how they can be so diverse without sounding like pure wank. very few bands could pull this kind of sound off and not sound ridiculous. very immersive and and impressive album. :thumbsup:
Glad the word is spreading. Just about no-one had heard of these guys before this year, even after the Arghoslent split. Fucking shame I rekon, they've been around many years, and some of the material on The Scream That Tore the Sky is from like, 8 years ago. Though I guess it's their own fault for taking so long to get a full-length out there.

Also, the members are also in Mournful Congregation, a fantastic death/doom band who also released their debut full-length this year, and it's fantastic.
Christie_fell said:
I've only heard The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place. How's Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die? I haven't liked what I've heard so far.

It's more of the same really, there sound doesn't change an awful lot from album to album, so if you didn't get on with "The earth..." then you probably won't like there other material. Personally I love all there stuff, and much prefer them over GSYBE. Anybody here listen to Tortoise or Do make see think?
sikth said:
It's more of the same really, there sound doesn't change an awful lot from album to album, so if you didn't get on with "The earth..." then you probably won't like there other material. Personally I love all there stuff, and much prefer them over GSYBE. Anybody here listen to Tortoise or Do make see think?

What the fuck does GSYBE stand for... ive been searching here and i can't figure it out... even browsed metal archives search by letters...
I've listened to a few snippets of Tortoise and enjoyed what I heard (mainly stuff off TNT)

Christie -- don't castrate me (much) if you don't like it *protecting the boys*

Picked up a new neo folk cd from TER the other day by Ainulindale. Very cool stuff. Much in the style of Ulver's Kveldssanger and other neo folk bands. take note and listen.
Décadent said:
Also, the members are also in Mournful Congregation, a fantastic death/doom band who also released their debut full-length this year, and it's fantastic.

One of the best death doom bands going right now.
Even though I was aware of that, I still can't get my head around the fact that these are the same guys.
I've gone through 'Burn The Sun' by Ark in record time.

This is really excellent power metal. Great production, original and interesting melodies, jazz influenced instrumental work, nice vocals.
unknown said:
I've listened to a few snippets of Tortoise and enjoyed what I heard (mainly stuff off TNT)

Christie -- don't castrate me (much) if you don't like it *protecting the boys*

Picked up a new neo folk cd from TER the other day by Ainulindale. Very cool stuff. Much in the style of Ulver's Kveldssanger and other neo folk bands. take note and listen.

TNT's my personal favourite tortoise album, though "millions living now will never die" is there most praised. You'd probably dig "Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord Is Dead" by Do make say think, it's very chilled out jazz/indie/post-whatever.

Left hand path by Entombed and Titan's awakening by Kronos are all over my playlist at the mo!
Melodeath said:
What's this "Explosions in the Sky" business?

Quiet, melancholy instrumentals that build into hugely layered, emotional climaxes. Takes patience to listen to, but if you can muster it up, they fucking rule.

I have heard every Do Make Say Think album and I'd have to say Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn is the absolute BEST and one of my favorite post rock albums EVER. Improv-jazz/rock structures that can be either slow or energetic, evolving into huge multi-layer nearly-psych freakouts...GET THIS ALBUM. The album art is utterly amazing as well.

If you like Kronos' first album (Titan's Awakening), you have absolutely no excuse to not go out and seek their 2004 album (Colossal Titan Strife). It's better on pretty much every level, with the production in general being possibly the best production for their style of music that I've heard.
I've been enjoying a lot of death metal lately, for the first time in my life. Namely the following:

Bolt Thrower

Though I could probably sit tight with these bands, if any of you extreme-knowledgeables on the topic (*cough*Doomwatcher*cough*Somberlain*) want to recommend anything along these lines, go right ahead.
I've got Collosal titan strife, I've just been preferring the dirty brutality of Titans awakening recently. I like CTS but sometimes it's too slick and thin in its sound.

I've got Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn but haven't listened to it much, I'll go give it a spin!