The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

They're not weird in a John Zorn way. Their strange uncommon song structuring, out of this world riff sets, and completely alien vocals, along with some cool "black metal-ish" production made them weird. Zorn is just insane.
I'm into all sorts of rock...thrash, death, power, punk, etc. Don't really like Black Metal, though, too slow and the raspy vocals.

Just keen on PURE thrash, mostly from the 80's. FAvorites:
Sadus- Chemical Exposure (Darren Travis- perfect vioce for thrash)
Slayer- Divine Intervention (a change from the early stuff...D.I. is now my favorite album of their's. The songwriting is worlds ahead of previous material.)
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends (Don Doty, awesome voice)
Overkill - I Hear Black (seriously groovy stuff..weird,cool lyrics)
Sepultura - Arise (classic jungle thrash with magic quality)
Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty (early dark, very cool)

more info later....
Albums that have recently been giving me a musical rimjob:
Galgeras - Uwer Ter Ere
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Decameron - My Shadow
God Dethroned - The Christhunt
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
V.V.V.V.V. said:
They're not weird in a John Zorn way. Their strange uncommon song structuring, out of this world riff sets, and completely alien vocals, along with some cool "black metal-ish" production made them weird. Zorn is just insane.
:D Ok.

GoD said:
Galgeras - Uwer Ter Ere
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Decameron - My Shadow
God Dethroned - The Christhunt
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
Dead Can Dance are the shit.
Been listening to a lot of Razor lately. Prime example of a band that got better as they went on (pre break-up albums that is, as I have yet to hear Decibels).
Just discovered this band from Tasmania (same place as Psycroptic are from) called Ashlan. Totaly great black metal, but obscure as fuck. I can't find a single thing about them on the web... there's not even a mention of them in Metal Archives. They've got a promo out called "The First Aeon of Darkness", and it slays.
I put on Ayreon's The Human Equation not long ago, and now I remember why Arjen Lucassen helped me re-discover music, and essentially turn off my radio for good. :)
I might be taking a music composition class when I get into uni just for the hell of it to learn alot more on how classical music is written. Hopefully it'll help me in my own songwriting. A double degree in Psychology and Music, how cool would that be? :D

Oh yeah, I've been listening to Windir's Arntor more and I like it alot.
I've now been obsessed with these for 3 months straight.
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux