The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Lots of classic rock recently. Bob Seger, Aerosmith, Eric Clapton, Thin Lizzy, Neil Young, Allman Brothers Band, Billy Joel, and The Who.
Yeah, The Winterlong rules.

I'm still enjoying the ones I listed before, they're all recommended. Decameron are one of the few Gothenburg bands who don't suck, God Dethroned are cool old-school death, Galgeras are superb unusual BM, DCD are essential neoclassical non-metal stuff, you all probably know Demoncy already - great USBM.
The past two days I've been listening a lot to Svartr Strijd, Aska (Swe), Dödfödd, Akihma, Temple of Baal and Leviathan (the swedish one).
Caelum Adustum said:
The past two days I've been listening a lot to Svartr Strijd, Aska (Swe), Dödfödd, Akihma, Temple of Baal and Leviathan (the swedish one).

I mean no offense by this, so please don't take it personally, but I'm just getting so tired of not knowing a single band you ever post!

I just can't keep up with you, man! Rock on!
I listened to Suffocation's Effigy of the Forgotten on the ride home from a family outing today. I was reminded yet again of how fucking good it is.

Sunn O))) are awesome. On a similar note, everyone should check out Stijn van Cauter's (from Until Death Overtakes Me) projects on

Get some stuff by The Ethereal, I Dream No More, Beyond Black Void, and Fall of the Grey-Winged One. In order, they're funeral doom, ambient/drone, funeral/drone/ambient, and funeral/drone.
Not big on drone.

I've been listening to a lot of Whiplash, Slaughter Lord and Slayer lately, all Thrash.
V.V.V.V.V. said:

Whiplash kicks ass. They're the first band I've found in months that I can listen to the same cd day after day.