The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Recently I've been hella loving the new Mastodon. Along with some stuff by Old Man Gloom, Esoteric, Scarve and Carnivore. I was dissapointed with my first Bal-Sagoth album (Atlantis Acendant), the riffs just aren't hitting me as all that great and the synth work gets on my nerves. Anyone a fan? Is it a grower?
anonymousnick2001 said:
Is it just me, or has the board recently gone into thrash overdrive?

Pyrus, Jean-Pierre, you, I, V.V.V.V.V., Decadent and some others seem like we're really digging it. Just a musing, considering Misfit's recent thread mentioned a decidedly BM atmosphere on the board. Excuse the pun.
Well Pyrus and Jean are part of the MA thrash legions, who hopefully will stay over there since it is nice to have a few different opinions floating around (even if I don't agree with them). Not to take a pop at MA as it's still a pretty good board.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Is it just me, or has the board recently gone into thrash overdrive?

Pyrus, Jean-Pierre, you, I, V.V.V.V.V., Decadent and some others seem like we're really digging it. Just a musing, considering Misfit's recent thread mentioned a decidedly BM atmosphere on the board. Excuse the pun.

Hell yes, I've recently been digging tons of thrash.

xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
Estradasphere - Buck Fever
Over and over again, I can't get enough of this CD. I should acquire their other albums.

Absolutely. Esphere are an essential genre-bending band and all of their releases are great.

Necro Joe said:
I was dissapointed with my first Bal-Sagoth album (Atlantis Acendant), the riffs just aren't hitting me as all that great and the synth work gets on my nerves. Anyone a fan? Is it a grower?

The band isn't really supposed to be amazing in the riff department, and they're meant to be incredibly cheesy. If you want some stuff with really titanic riffs, check out their earlier stuff, such as A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria or Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule. They're completely different from the band's later attempts: vicious yet majestic blackened death with much less emphasis on (though still carrying a few moments of) keyboarding and monologues.

Necro Joe said:
Which album do you recommend?

[Sorry for the excessive posting, I'm reading the thread backwards and can't be bothered to edit.]

Before you check them out, make sure you're at least ready to listen to them. First time I listened to Sunn, I was bored to hell because, mind you, they're just two guys playing guitar and bass extremely slowly with nothing else (except in some of their later stuff, which is more experimental and strange, but still drone) at all.

If you've already let the fact that they're drone sink in, start from ØØ Void, then gradually go forward in their discography. Everything they've released is brilliant.
I've been listening to a lot of "Dead as Dreams" since I received a legit copy from ebay. Still managed to intruge me, even on the 30th listen.

Also been listening a lot to all of Deathspell Omega's releases, which are realy opening up to me. Also, Exodus and Testament are getting a lot of plays.
Decadent: I love your avatar. Great album.

Dead as Dreams is a wonderful release that can singlehandedly prove anyone wrong who thinks that the US is shit for BM.

Everything DS Omega has released is gorgeous.
I've been concentrating on my latest purchases today, Woods Of Ypres and Mastodon in particular