The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Absolutely not. Random Mexican goregrind that's completely and utterly average (guitar sounds like a chainsaw, drums are pretty groovy but repetitive and silly, bass...? What the motherfuck is that.) but fun to listen to. And you can tell your friends you listen to a band named Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis.

Also check out for their fucking cool logo and fucking terrible website!

Edit: I actually don't think their site is working.
Autopsy's Mental Funeral is making me shit myself. It's so fucking raw and heavy without being at a crazy out-of-control tempo. In fact it's pretty slow for the most part. This album is fucking great!
No, they're not. They sound like Bolt Thrower except with a cleaned-up guitar tone, some interesting tempo variation, and the ability to end a song before it reaches the 4-5 minute mark.
I forgot to mention Insanity(US) and their album Death After Death. Underrated old-school death metal, often reminding me of Nocturnus - minus the keyboards. Excellent stuff. Also, the early Finnish death metal outfit, Purtenance. Groove orientated death metal, with noticable melodic and doom-ish qualities. Not as bizzare as countrymen Demilich, or as crushing as Demigod, still Member of Immortal Damnation is well worth checking out.
Demilich are the definition of musical weirdness.

Has anyone heard any funeral doom? I urge you to check out The Ethereal, by funeral doom master Stijn Van Cauter.