The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Jaar-Gilon said:
I'd just like to say thanks for all the fucken awesome recommendations ive gotten from this thread.
Abigor, Arghoslent, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Demilich (was that this thread?), Grave. Finntroll, Mithras, Moonblood, Sigrblot, Nokturnal Mortum, Vomit Remnants.
Also, im not sure if these guys have been mentioned before. "Anaal Nathrakh" there new one sounds pretty decent "The Codex-Necro" i cant find the cd but the few songs i have a fucken rad.
Never let this thread die, my thirst for new music will never be quenched

Hey, glad you like it. :)
I've been listening to a lot of Danzig, coincidentally. And I've got this Keith Urban song stuck in my head.
John Coltrane is almost, but not quite, a god among men.


:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
I'm really a thrash / heavy metal kinda guy. Of course, right now Black Metal is dominating everything else... I'd like to see a thrash comeback, But I'm glad "Heavy Metal" isn't so trendy in the US anymore. That was the period where the clasic Heavy Metal bands like Pantera, Black Sabath, Metallica (MOP-Black Album was pretty heavy, I'd say they were only a thrash band during Kill Em All and sorta thrash for Ride the Lightning) etc. were swarmed by hordes of nu-metal.

What developments do you guys think we're gonna be seeing in Metal in the next 5 years or so? I know you cant tell the future, but what do you want to see?
RideForVengance said:
I'm really a thrash / heavy metal kinda guy. Of course, right now Black Metal is dominating everything else... I'd like to see a thrash comeback, But I'm glad "Heavy Metal" isn't so trendy in the US anymore. That was the period where the clasic Heavy Metal bands like Pantera, Black Sabath, Metallica (MOP-Black Album was pretty heavy, I'd say they were only a thrash band during Kill Em All and sorta thrash for Ride the Lightning) etc. were swarmed by hordes of nu-metal.

What developments do you guys think we're gonna be seeing in Metal in the next 5 years or so? I know you cant tell the future, but what do you want to see?

I want to see death metal become more melodic, but stay agressive and brutal. There are far too many trite melodic bands out today, and far too many generic slam DM bands out, as well. I also want to see a classic thrash comeback, with bands that are similar to/draw influences from Artillery, Assassin, Slaughter, etc. I want to see more raw black metal bands with more variety and melody, but still retaining the fierce edge of olden times...I dunno what else.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I want to see death metal become more melodic, but stay agressive and brutal. There are far too many trite melodic bands out today, and far too many generic slam DM bands out, as well. I also want to see a classic thrash comeback, with bands that are similar to/draw influences from Artillery, Assassin, Slaughter, etc. I want to see more raw black metal bands with more variety and melody, but still retaining the fierce edge of olden times...I dunno what else.
I totally agree with all that. And I think we need a few more Sepultura/Neurosis tribal type bands, too.
Ahh, this weeks killer CD's are:

Sodom - Agent Orange (this just plain out fucking rocks)
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon (just got this from Ebay... it's truly great)
Myrddraal - Blood on the Mountain (Aussie black metal, good stuff)
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice (finaly got my head around this, and I'm enjoying it immensly)