The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Oh, totally. It's a place where people can come and reflect on positivity and share opinions instead of oppose them. It's a place where people can recommend and discuss and be content at the same time. Flame-free and truly helpful(I got some great recs from here).

\m/, VVVVV
Exactly, that was what it was originally created for.

Everyone who is remotely into melodic death or metalcore, check out Sorrow of Tranquility from Japan. Amazing band, very catchy, very well written songs, and the songs KNOW WHEN TO END instead of being pretentious (like a lot of metalcore).

Everyone who likes punk and/or folk metal, check out Glittertind from Norway. Really REALLY catchy one man band with cool epic themes in a fun and novelty-style shell.

Everyone who likes symphonic metal check out Grand Alchemist. Really good and seemingly "out of nowhere" band with some cool melodic tracks combined with great lyrics and well placed symphonics/keyboards.
I found their[Sorrow of Tranquility's] website, but the letters are scrambled(I lack the Jap character software) and I can't find any samples or anything. Damn it!
anonymousnick2001 said:
I found their[Sorrow of Tranquility's] website, but the letters are scrambled(I lack the Jap character software) and I can't find any samples or anything. Damn it!

Their lyrics are hilarious Engrish "philosophical" pieces, good thing the band is amazingly tight.

Get a p2p program.
I'd rather not. I'd feel kinda dirty. Web-downloading doesn't hurt my conscience as much. As lame as that sounds.
Kill Em All is so damn good.

Hey, something I dont think many people know, Kill Em All was orriginally supposed to be called "Metal up your Ass", but the record companies wouldn't allow it, so they called it Kill Em All... as in, Kill All the record companies.

I dont care how much Newtallilca sucks, I'd Say the Cliff Burton years were.... just amazing.

Actualy I've got a copy of "Metallica - Metal up your Ass". It's a live recording of them back in 84... it's on red splatter vinyl, cost me $100 Euro's (got it in Europe). Probably a full-of shit bootleg, but I quite like it.
Serpens Aeon - Dawn of Kuoatl
Possibly one of my favourite Death metal releases so far.
Vital Remains - Dawn of the Apoclypse
Now I know why people don't like Deschristianize as much, this album just kicks absolute arse and Dechristianize would have been a disappointment after such an album.
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
Interesting band, the music is pretty decent and there are alot of good riffs.
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence and Piece of Time
Great albums, though I tend to prefer Piece of Time abit more.
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
I like this album alot, it's really catchy and the songs seem very well crafted. Also I'm a sucker for this type of melodies.
Gorguts - Considered Dead and The Erosion Of Sanity
Fucking great albums, different from Obscura(obviously) but the songwriting and technicality is there. Top stuff.
Psycroptic - The Isle of Disenchantment
Decent, not as mindblowing to me as The Scepter of Ancients was but still fairly good.
Windir - Arntor
Such an epic release, pity about their vocalist.
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
This is a pretty good release and highly technical stuff. The drum sounds annoy me and seem to machine-like but seems to fit well so I ain't gonna complain much about it.
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist
Awesome stuff, I need to get used to the production which seems to be a little harsher than Lunar Poetry but the album is pretty awesome and the version of Perun's Celestial Silver kicks my ass.
The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph
I seem to like this alot more than the other releases.
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Classic album I guess, I enjoy from time to time but it's not something that gets alot of spins.
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
This is a pretty good release and highly technical stuff. The drum sounds annoy me and seem to machine-like but seems to fit well so I ain't gonna complain much about it.

Would it be a surprise to you if I told you it was a drum machine? :p
I'd just like to say thanks for all the fucken awesome recommendations ive gotten from this thread.
Abigor, Arghoslent, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Demilich (was that this thread?), Grave. Finntroll, Mithras, Moonblood, Sigrblot, Nokturnal Mortum, Vomit Remnants.
Also, im not sure if these guys have been mentioned before. "Anaal Nathrakh" there new one sounds pretty decent "The Codex-Necro" i cant find the cd but the few songs i have a fucken rad.
Never let this thread die, my thirst for new music will never be quenched
This one is for all the people who havent already discovered these wonderful bands, which you all should have, Pantera, Death, Cryptopsy, Lamb of God, Psycroptic, Skinless, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Monstrosity and Dying Fetus