The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Silexater is very good German black metal...only one demo and one EP exist. The EP is average, but the demo is where the ideas truly shine (the demo is considered a full-length by some because...look at the running time). Semi-melodic, very good production (raw as fuck, but fitting) and good vocals. Your style I think.
From Melbourne, yeah. I'm listening to Degree Zero Point of Implosion for the second time straight. It's trippy.
Fav. Bands(not in order)

-Dimmu Borgir
-Dark Funeral
-The Kovenant
-Amon Amarth
-Leaves Eyes
-Marilyn Manson
So there's this album. It's called Arai. It's by a band called Kawir. They're from Greece. It has keyboards and clean production, they've got a kind of Nokturnal Mortum feel to them. Haven't heard their other albums but this one is pretty tubular.
First post. :wave:
Im into bands like...

Morbid Angel
Amon Amarth

If anyone would recommend me some bands that are simliar to these i would appreicate it. Cheers
Perdition's Light said:
So there's this album. It's called Arai. It's by a band called Kawir. They're from Greece. It has keyboards and clean production, they've got a kind of Nokturnal Mortum feel to them. Haven't heard their other albums but this one is pretty tubular.

To Cavirs is a pretty swell Kawir disc too.
I'm listening to Dragonforce right now. I think they're pretty good.