The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

i ve really been digging the new arcturus- sideshow symphonies. its a really great and interesting album thats held my attention for much longer than expected and it truly shows how under-used simen hestnaes is in dimmu borgir. i cant help but recommend this album to anyone. anyone else appreciate this album?
cryptopsy is a good band. Their guitar solos are so damn insane..... I love "slit your guts" Nile is a badass band too. I havent learned how to play any of their songs though... That gives me an idea
Disarmonia Mundi's first album is also excellent, if only for Blue Lake, which is easily one of their best songs ever crafted, with or without Speed (especially since it turns into a 70's funk-esque song near the end for no reason!).

Kataxu's new album is amazing...I fucking love it. Fellow countrymen Lucifugum's newest opus (Vector33) is also really good, fucked up "no bass at all" black metal.
Yeah...they fucking suck for the most part. Please don't ask me why I own two of their albums.
fat bastard said:
i ve really been digging the new arcturus- sideshow symphonies. its a really great and interesting album thats held my attention for much longer than expected and it truly shows how under-used simen hestnaes is in dimmu borgir. i cant help but recommend this album to anyone. anyone else appreciate this album?

actually, I think Simen's vocals are one of the downpoints of the album. They're decent, but not that great throughout the majority of the album

It's still decent though.
unknown said:
actually, I think Simen's vocals are one of the downpoints of the album. They're decent, but not that great throughout the majority of the album

It's still decent though.

You didn't enjoy his performance? sorry to hear that, ive always felt that his more dramatic singing style was pretty cool and with the lyrics it kinda felt more like he was telling a tale of sorts within songs more than just singing but it helps to have the lyrics in front of you or you might not hear it. might just be me though.
I didn't like the new Kataxu too much. Way too saturated with keyboards and the sublime atmosphere of Roots Thunder has been totally lost. Another listen required, perhaps..?

I've been listening to Sacrilegium's Wicher quite a bit. Killer pagan black metal which is epic beyond epic. Also a bunch of stuff by Moonblood(Blut Und Krieg, mostly.) Anyone have any recommendations for quality epic BM along these lines?
Yeah it is very keyboard-y. But I don't mind that...they're not that detracting though...and the album cover is fucking awesome.

Have you heard Silexater?