The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I love how sweeping and powerful it is and yet at the same time very collage-like. There's a lot of layers there which is nice to hear in a metal band (though not at all necessary) when it's done well. I can see it not being everyone's cup of tea, though.
I had always wanted to get around to Baroque/Classical/Romantic stuff, but never had the chance. My music class helped me to finally get around to it and I now realize what I've been missing, haha.
I'm listening to Reclusiam's demo at the moment, very good stuff. Any fans of Mournful Congregation will probably like Reclusiam.
A fellow recently got me into Solsfatir - Í Blóði og Anda. It's a fusion of softer Black Metal + Post-Rock + Post-Hardcore + Excellent.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Airged L'Amh album?

Yeah. I knew it was that, but I couldn't remember the band name or how to spell it so instead of looking it up I asked what it was...don't know why. Laziness mayhaps.
They cause me extreme physical pain me every time I hear them, but I can't stop. You're lucky you didn't get hooked.
Perdition's Light said:
god damn Ruins of Beverast is a good band. i know i'm late on this one, but i wasn't expecting them to be this good.

I like them a lot. "The Clockhand's Groaning Circles" is probably my favorite off of their full length.

Excellent song.
Ahh fuck, I didn't see Perdition's Light had posted about Ruins of Beverast. Yes, they're a fantastic band. One of my favourite black metal bands this year.

Guthrum said:
I'm listening to Reclusiam's demo at the moment, very good stuff. Any fans of Mournful Congregation will probably like Reclusiam.