The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Malignance said:
The new Graveland fucking rules, better than last years by quite a bit, imo.

Darken can do little wrong.

I've been getting the feeling that a lot of people disagree with that statement. I, however, do not. I think each album since Immortal Pride has gotten progressively better, and this is the new peak. The clips from the next album have sounded promising as well.
Weakling is pretty good...sort of overrated (Nocturnal Poisoning by Xasthur fucking trumps it and most of that style of drawn-out BM; I'm convinced, sorry) but good for a listen...and Disasters In The Sun is fucking EPIC.
Weakling is awesome. Dead as Dreams always makes me think of a huge battlefield.

Xasthur is shit, really.
Yeah I like the thoughts it puts into your head for sure...I don't really like the vocals much though.

No dude! Nocturnal Poisoning kicks ass. It's a bit overlong, but the parts that rule really rule.

Everyone listen to Osculum Infame - Dor-Nu-Fauglith. This is the best BM album from 1997 and I haven't heard (or even remember) any BM from 1997 off the top of my head that stands out.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Everyone listen to Osculum Infame - Dor-Nu-Fauglith. This is the best BM album from 1997 and I haven't heard (or even remember) any BM from 1997 off the top of my head that stands out.

What! 1997 held some decent releases, most notably Moonblood's Blut und Krieg, but also these:

Graveland - Following The Voice Of Blood
Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria
Nagelfar - Hunengrab im Herbst
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Sorhin - I Det Glimrande Mörkrets Djup
Veles - Black Hateful Metal

I'll check out this Osculum Infame album.
Malignance said:
What! 1997 held some decent releases, most notably Moonblood's Blut und Krieg, but also these:

Graveland - Following The Voice Of Blood
Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria
Nagelfar - Hunengrab im Herbst
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Sorhin - I Det Glimrande Mörkrets Djup
Veles - Black Hateful Metal

I'll check out this Osculum Infame album.

Well I can't think of stuff like that off the top of my head! Goat Horns is fantastic...the Nagelfar is also quite grand. And of course of the best Polish BM bands along with Graveland obviously and Gontyna Kry...

And yes you should...I GUARANTEE you'll dig it. It's not keyboard-y like the new Kataxu (which apparently you don't really like...I think it's excellent, but maybe RT is a bit better), but it DOES have tasteful keyboards.

Oh and I actually don't think very highly of Blut Und Krieg. It's OK every now and then, but sort of overrated...yeah some of the melodies are great and epic, but that can't make an album awesome right there.
Let it be known that Hellveto is class stuff. My Eternal Hegemony and Shadow of the Blue as well as Medieval Scream are quality.
Absolutely. I do believe I might pick up a Hellveto album or two today. The best band to come out of Poland in a while.
Has anyone heard Eternal, the pre-Electric Wizard band? I'm quite interested in hearing it.