The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I just checked out the Sun of The Sleepless & Nachtmar split and i'm pretty impressed; this is classy, "romantic" black metal. I know some think this kind of sound is a disgrace, but I think it can be done well if enough restraint is used, and it doesn't turn into fucking disco.

I didn't know that both bands branched off from Empyrium until I looked up their profile in MA today. The similarities are present, albeit this affair is a little more raw and lacks clean vocals. The cover of Burzum's Dunkelheit is extremely well done too. Not a very original cover, but a damn good one.

Good stuff.
Perdition's Light said:
I just checked out the Sun of The Sleepless & Nachtmar split and i'm pretty impressed; this is classy, "romantic" black metal. I know some think this kind of sound is a disgrace, but I think it can be done well if enough restraint is used, and it doesn't turn into fucking disco.

I didn't know that both bands branched off from Empyrium until I looked up their profile in MA today. The similarities are present, albeit this affair is a little more raw and lacks clean vocals. The cover of Burzum's Dunkelheit is extremely well done too. Not a very original cover, but a damn good one.

Good stuff.

sounds like good stuff...I'll definitely have to check it out
Wow i just heard some Shadows a week ago and i love it....i dunno if its classified metal but its friggin sweet....i also listen to Disturbed Metallica, Godsmack, Iron Maiden, ACDC, Seether, and a buncha other rock bands.....
I just picked up the new Paths of Possession CD Promises In Blood, and I'm kinda on the fence about it. I like melodic death (good shit like later-day Carcass and any Dissection) and I think Corpsegrinder's vocals are some of the most articulate and aggressive in death metal, so I assumed that this disc would kick ass. So far, I'm not really blown away. I mean, it beats the shit out of almost any of those At The Gates clones, but my first impression is that it's just of average quality. Have you all heard it? What do you think?
Also, can anyone recommend me some good Monstrosity albums with Corpsegrinder Fischer on vox?
Nagelfar are one of the best black metal bands ever and are criminally underrated. Everyone go get any of their three full-lengths. They are all amazing, Hünengrab im Herbst is my personal favorite.
Perdition's Light said:
Nagelfar are one of the best black metal bands ever and are criminally underrated. Everyone go get any of their three full-lengths. They are all amazing, Hünengrab im Herbst is my personal favorite.

Yeah, they're very underrated. I only have their first two and probably also prefer the debut. "Srontgorrth" has excellent songs but the huge electronic influence isn't my kind of thing. I haven't heard "Virus West"; how is it?
Well, I'd say it definetely resembles Srontgorrth more in that it takes a little more of an experimental direction (tame compared to modern BM experimentation), but I think it's much less distracting on this disc (though I didn't really find the electronics that distracting on Srontgorrth, save the fourth track). Still, the songs all have an incredible sense of structure and development, all being epic as usual. I would say it has elements of both previous albums and it's definetely going to be immediately recognizable as Nagelfar.
I personally prefer Naglfar because it has more death riffage in it, but I deffinatly should check it out.

Now Playing: weakling - "Dead As Dreams" - No One Can Be Called As A Man While He'll Die [04:58/13:08]

Damn good stuff
You ever heard Arkhon Infaustus? If no then check them out. The've released three albums. If you listen to them the first thing you pay attention to is vocals. The sound of the vocalist voice is filthy and unclean but to this band it fits perfectly. I reccomend their "Filth Catalyst" album(the cover of this album is in my sig). This album is my personal favourite black/death metal cd. I also like their agressivness connected with dark atmosphere. They are great a french black metal band. Try them.
Perdition's Light said:
Nagelfar are one of the best black metal bands ever and are criminally underrated. Everyone go get any of their three full-lengths. They are all amazing, Hünengrab im Herbst is my personal favorite.

Just put on the first album... It was damn good.
thomas_j said:
Good idea for a stickied thread!

I am returning back to metal after a 15 or so years vacation, and this thread will help me get up to speed with the new bands. Oh my god, when I heard metal we got our news from fan-zines, now internet is here and cool forums like this.

Anyway, my favorite metal bands and albums are obviously old, but here they are:

Carcass - Two first albums

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Reek of Putrefaction and Symphonies of Sickness? While Symphonies of Sickness I thouhgt was ok, I found RoP to be TERRIBLE!!! It was one of the worst grindcore albums I've ever heard. You take those over Necroticism?
The_Harmathroditic_Ferret said:
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Reek of Putrefaction and Symphonies of Sickness? While Symphonies of Sickness I thouhgt was ok, I found RoP to be TERRIBLE!!! It was one of the worst grindcore albums I've ever heard. You take those over Necroticism?

Agreed. Symphonies I think is a brilliant album, but nothing has ever compared to Necroticism, and I bought that in the year of release.

I still play it weekly.
(M)aggoT said:
You ever heard Arkhon Infaustus? If no then check them out. The've released three albums. If you listen to them the first thing you pay attention to is vocals. The sound of the vocalist voice is filthy and unclean but to this band it fits perfectly. I reccomend their "Filth Catalyst" album(the cover of this album is in my sig). This album is my personal favourite black/death metal cd. I also like their agressivness connected with dark atmosphere. They are great a french black metal band. Try them.

I will check it out sometime. I used to hate this style, but I've started warming up to the chaotic, "hellish" sound more, rather than just listening to the colder, more atmospheric stuff. If it's anything like Goatwhore or new Behemoth though, I'm going to loathe it.