The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Cryptkeeper said:
Corrosion of Conformity's "Dance of the Dead" has been stuck in my head for a while.
I so love that song. They even made a video for it.

Jean-Pierre said:
Trust me, when you throw on Heathen - Goblins Blade, you'll be thrust into headbanging frenzy forever.
That was the first song I clicked on. Wow. That shit rocks!

Decadent said:
Been listening to quite a bit of Lethal. Good work Erik and Mikael, this demo kicks major amounts of arse.
I've enjoyed that demo as well.
Decadent said:
I declare today; thrash as fuck.
Every day is thrash as fuck day. :D

I downloaded some Heathen last night on Pyrus' recommendation.
Good man. If enough people download that stuff and talk about it, maybe Roadrunner will eventually release the rights to the albums.

Erik said:
Don't forget the second album either, stuff like "Opiate of the Masses" and "Timeless Cell of Prophecy" and the Rainbow cover "Kill the King" fucking RULES, will someone please re-release that album already?
Fucking YES. Victims of Deception is just amazing rifforama. "Hypnotized" is epic thrash on the scale of legends like "Forbidden Evil," "Diposable Heroes," "Holy Wars," "I Profit," etc.

fotmbm said:
Since the demo is included on the re-release of Breaking the Silence I noticed that the demo tracks are the best ones on the album
I dunno about best, but damn, that is a sweet demo. Version #16 or whatever of "Heathen('s Song)" is fucking raging.

Yeah. Heathen rules. Keep downloading 'em.

Inspired by the Pantera dumbshitfest thread, I'm listening to Exhorder. I'll probably throw on some Kreator after this.
It wasn't bad. It was no Pleasure To Fucking Kill, but it was certainly better than anything since Coma of Souls.

Speaking of Coma of Souls, everybody go listen to "Material World Paranoia" RIGHT FUCKING NOW. At the 3:00-mark, you will commence being owned. The ownage will only increase as the song goes on from that point, commencing in the final "PROMISE OF A BETTER FUTURE IS A LIE!" riff set. At that point, you shall shit your pants, and possibly the pants of other people.

Yes. Ownage.
I've only been listening to thrash today. So far I have managed:

Kreator - Coma of Souls
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Sabbat - History of a Time to Come

Next up: Darkness Fucking Descends.

Thrash 'til death.
anonymousnick2001 said:
While on the topic of Kreator, I really did fucking love Violent Revolution.
Me too aye. It was the first Kreator album I heard, and it blew me away. I've still got a lot of love for it.

My hate becomes as strong as my confusion, my only hope my only solution is a VOIOLENT REVOLUTION. :kickass:
Somberlain said:
I've only been listening to thrash today. So far I have managed:

Kreator - Coma of Souls
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Sabbat - History of a Time to Come

Next up: Darkness Fucking Descends.

Thrash 'til death.
I tip my hat to you, sir.

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes

I'm listening to a playlist of random songs before Calculus class. It went from Riot's party-metal anthem "Swords and Tequila" to the one really fucking good song Shadows Fall ever wrote, that being the thrashtastic "Fire In Babylon."

Before that it was Agent Steel's Order of the Illuminati album, which I've been listening to a whole fucking lot lately. Really well done speed metal. I should pick up The Omega Conspiracy, I hear it's even better.
i am listening to Judas Priest's "Painkiller" for the first time and realizing how awesome Priest are

sorry it took so long