The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Necuratul said:
Blessed is better. And Human definitely shouldn't replace any of the albums already up there.

Spiritual Healing or Human should be on the list ovet deicide morpheus descends and obituary. Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy are better than anything by those bands also. I'm guessing has some slight animosity towards death.

This list while having some classics is actually pretty average.
I didn't see anyone mention bands like:
All Shall Perish
Ancestral Malediction
Burn Victim
Evil Darkness
Embalming Theatre
Dying Tears
God Dethroned (Am I blind, or this band hadn't been mentioned here at all)
Godlees Truth
I Shit On Your Face
Lunar Aurora
Mactatus (I am fucking suprised about this)
Mystic Fire
Naked Whipper
Otep (Yay because the vocalist is a lesbian)
Pan Thy Monium
Sad Legend
Setherial (!!!)
Carnal Lust
Sin Origin
The Legion (!!!)
Thy Disease
Thy Primordial
To Seperate The Flesh From The Bones
Black Dawn
Viral Load
Vomit The Soul

I was waiting till someone will say something about them, I am curious about people opinion.
God I love Rilo Kiley SO FUCKING MUCH it's obscene. This isn't your regular "man I really really like this band they are really good", for me this band transcends music and forms a direct emotional connection right into my fucking HEART. Rilo Kiley's music brings me close to tears and builds me back up again, stronger than I was before, willing to see the world in a more positive light. No band has EVER spoken to me as directly nor as powerfully as this band does!

The sad part is this isn't even a troll.
Carcassian said:
It's funny, but it sounded like fairly standard "thinks it's more clever than it is" indie pop to me. Good for you, though.

Subjectivity rocks my man :rock:

Personally I perceive an innocence and total absence of pretentiousness or cynicism in their music, plus they're not even cool to like in the indie scene :cool:
Also: I think due to their mainstream popularity, Nirvana were never recognized their deserved place in the history of indie rock. Of course they didn't warrant all the hype they got, but in fairness nobody was more aware of this than Cobain himself, and I really respect that he'd take the chance to promote underground bands at every opportunity. Still they were a great band, and I'm sure Kurt would be disgusted at how fans have deified him following his death!
Spectacular Views said:
Also: I think due to their mainstream popularity, Nirvana were never recognized their deserved place in the history of indie rock. Of course they didn't warrant all the hype they got, but in fairness nobody was more aware of this than Cobain himself, and I really respect that he'd take the chance to promote underground bands at every opportunity. Still they were a great band, and I'm sure Kurt would be disgusted at how fans have deified him following his death!

I'm not biting.
Spectacular Views said:
Also: I think due to their mainstream popularity, Nirvana were never recognized their deserved place in the history of indie rock. Of course they didn't warrant all the hype they got, but in fairness nobody was more aware of this than Cobain himself, and I really respect that he'd take the chance to promote underground bands at every opportunity. Still they were a great band, and I'm sure Kurt would be disgusted at how fans have deified him following his death!
I never really thought of Nirvana to be anything except catchy music, and his songwritting does absolutly nothing for me. It seems like the same ol' same ol' style of popular music, I can't listen to more than 2 songs of Nirvana before getting annoyed.
Spectacular Views said:
Also: I think due to their mainstream popularity, Nirvana were never recognized their deserved place in the history of indie rock. Of course they didn't warrant all the hype they got, but in fairness nobody was more aware of this than Cobain himself, and I really respect that he'd take the chance to promote underground bands at every opportunity. Still they were a great band, and I'm sure Kurt would be disgusted at how fans have deified him following his death!

I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with you.