Tyrants and Slaves
According to some reviews I've read, that Sewers... EP is mainly an ambient thing. Their first release is strait brutality a la Anaal Nathrakh while their most recent album is more like the EP.
it is better than most people give it credit for; its just different.Stormwatch said:This new Dissection album seems a lot better than I'd feared. When did Lemmy join though?
Carcassian said:Yes, you are. Next ?
while i do think that the music on brave murder day is good i don't understand why it gets all the hype. even though they aren t metal i consider the songwriting on the last three albums to be superior. they really forged a distinct identity for themselves with viva emptiness and the great cold distance. no one is really making albums like them at the moment that i know of and it makes them stick out whereas i can see BMD as an album that could have been made by anybody back then. i would love to hear how an album like BMD would sound with Jonas' current melodic sensibilities and much more confident voice...unknown said:Brave Murder Day...or the first album
Décadent said:You do know that Akerfeldt did vocals on BMD, right?
you absolute fucking total fucking cockmunching idiot cunt shut the FUCK up before i smack you in the gobshitefat bastard said:i can see BMD as an album that could have been made by anybody back then.
Erik said:you absolute fucking total fucking cockmunching idiot cunt shut the FUCK up before i smack you in the gobshite
maybe thats why parts of the album have melancholy clean vocals instead of death vocals i dunnomeloncholy clean vocals could have been just as effective in parts perhaps.
Erik said:maybe thats why parts of the album have melancholy clean vocals instead of death vocals i dunno
Erik said:so now it's completely fucking obvious that you haven't even listened to the album properly. both "rainroom" and "endtime" have clean vocal sections. fuck off.