The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

According to some reviews I've read, that Sewers... EP is mainly an ambient thing. Their first release is strait brutality a la Anaal Nathrakh while their most recent album is more like the EP.
Zeph kind of got it. Yeah, the first cd is just an all out assault on your ears. Very much in the vein of Anaal Nathrakh. In The Sewers... is more like an industrial ambient release. Their last cd, Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital is kind of like a horror movie put on cd. It's a mix of the first two cds. The sound is still pretty insane, but some tracks are just ambient/background noise that fit the storyline
Actually - yeah. Reinkaos isn't as bad as it sounded the first time. There's still too many "what the bloody fuck? this is shit" moments that detract from its goodness though. Hard bargain.
Carcassian said:
Yes, you are. Next ?

You probably didn't see "Katatonia" in the title of his post... Anyone have know a good album to start off with, I tried listening to an album before and was completely turned off...
unknown said:
Brave Murder Day...or the first album
while i do think that the music on brave murder day is good i don't understand why it gets all the hype. even though they aren t metal i consider the songwriting on the last three albums to be superior. they really forged a distinct identity for themselves with viva emptiness and the great cold distance. no one is really making albums like them at the moment that i know of and it makes them stick out whereas i can see BMD as an album that could have been made by anybody back then. i would love to hear how an album like BMD would sound with Jonas' current melodic sensibilities and much more confident voice...
Décadent said:
You do know that Akerfeldt did vocals on BMD, right?

yup and thats a big part of why people like the album i think but i dont know if i like his phrasing all through the album. rainroom is great though. you have to admit though that jonas has really improved his vocals even if you don't like the bands current approach.
Confession: I've been finding myself listening to Darkest Hour's
"convalesence" lately. It's rather good if you guys want to check it out.
Erik said:
you absolute fucking total fucking cockmunching idiot cunt shut the FUCK up before i smack you in the gobshite

let me rephrase.. i think that the style and sound of the album could have come from other sources but i never said that the end product would have been better. few guitarists have blakkeims skill to turn simple riffs and melodies into something more substantial and from the beginning to the end of the album its his guitar work that keeps it interesting. for me MA's just kinda there giving his standard performance which is still better than most but i don't always think that a straight growling style fit the music at times. meloncholy clean vocals could have been just as effective in parts perhaps. had a feeling you'd comment eventually being such a big fan of the band but i expected something a little more intelligent in your response.:rolleyes:
Erik said:
maybe thats why parts of the album have melancholy clean vocals instead of death vocals i dunno

yeah one song smartguy but i was talking about mixing it up more within songs. that is a good track though. enough about BMD though.. you not like their ventures away from metal? i think its far above anything else being done in rock now outside of tool and the devin townsend band.
Erik said:
so now it's completely fucking obvious that you haven't even listened to the album properly. both "rainroom" and "endtime" have clean vocal sections. fuck off.

my goof. haven't heard it for a while but remembering now. just dont get the same vibe from the album that i get from the others. what do you think about from funerals to come? theres some cool stuff on there imo but i dont hear it talked about much.

Did you proceed to run away screaming with your fingers in your ears? 'Cause, you know, that solves just about any problem.