The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The following should be reissued.

Convulse -world without god. I heard Relapse was suppose to reissue this(this was like 4 years ago)
Crematory -denial
Epitaph -seeming salvation
If I had label and knew about that kind of stuff(pressing,etc...) would just release oldschool death metal albums and demos. Regardless if 50 people bought them would not care because I would have a copy of every release and be happy sitting in my room with my stereo all night listening to my favorite oldschool death metal records.
The Greys said:
The following should be reissued.

Convulse -world without god. I heard Relapse was suppose to reissue this(this was like 4 years ago)
Crematory -denial
Epitaph -seeming salvation

Never heard Convulse. YES for the other two, though. :kickass:

World Without God is fucking disgusting in all ways that are good.
If all my favorite finland and swedish death metal bands had more death metal release(majority of them broke up or sold out) I would throw all my other cds in the garbage or put them on Ebay.
Malignance said:
As far as I'm aware World Without God was a LP release only, which fucking sucks. The same goes for Megaslaughter's excellent debut, Calls From the Beyond. So yeah, both of these deserve CD re-releases.

No wonder i've never come across world without god once on cd.
Convulse rules!

I was thinking. I want to hear some of these old school dm releases that I can't find. Anyone remember the thrash ftp site we had going for sharing thrash? We should start one up again for old school dm/bm, or anything else everyone wants to hear. It is completely legitimate, since this stuff is pretty much all out of print. What do you think?
metal_wrath said:
Well, if you WERE recommending it, of course that should be kept to the recommendations thread. :Smug:

:lol: This is by far the best thing you've ever said. Coupled with you listening to Devastation, you may not be a gay afterall as I'd previously feared.
Necuratul said:
:lol: This is by far the best thing you've ever said. Coupled with you listening to Devastation, you may not be a gay afterall as I'd previously feared.
Haha, you though I was gay..........:mad:

Anyway....Devastation kicks ass :kickass:

Lets see.....this morning so far I've been listening to Dislocation, Devastation, Decapitated, Entombed, Regurgitate, Immolation................... :headbang: :headbang: