The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

swizzlenuts said:
Are you kidding me? That album is fantastic, and far from anything generic.

Maybe it's better than other NYC death metal albums by say Internal Bleeding,Baphomet,etc... but it does not make any less generic.
The Greys said:
Maybe it's better than other NYC death metal albums by say Internal Bleeding,Baphomet,etc... but it does not make any less generic.

yea MD are rudimentary NYC death, solid but unspectacular. Immolation are more interesting
I wish Fleshcrawl had one more album like descend into the absurd. After one of the guitarists Gero left the band they just lost that crushing doomy bleak eerie sound. There is no other death metal album with such a fine line between death metal and genuine doom infleunces. Fleshcawls later attempt at the swedish death metal sound is so generic. I usually love anything that resembles the swedish sound.
I really REALLY like Fleshcrawl's latest full-length Made Of Flesh, though. It rules.

Zephyrus said:
I'll be picking that up soon. I hope it's an improvement to "Domine..", which was great but not varied enough.

Possibly better, needs more listens though...the song The Yellow King is an amazing instrumental (+ some samples here and there) though.
The Greys said:
I wish Fleshcrawl had one more album like descend into the absurd. After one of the guitarists Gero left the band they just lost that crushing doomy bleak eerie sound. There is no other death metal album with such a fine line between death metal and genuine doom infleunces. Fleshcawls later attempt at the swedish death metal sound is so generic. I usually love anything that resembles the swedish sound.

Descend into the Absurd has actually been on my playlist a lot recently, along with Todessehnsucht.
You know you'll realize the error of your ways once you sober up a bit. And just in your honor, I'll now be playing The Force.