The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

cheers to Decadent for the words on I Shalt Become. Pretty good stuff.

I'm listening to Inquisition(US) Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult (that's a ridiculously long title) and the vocals are rather....well....:erk:
Killbot said:
Speaking of which, what is their demo like after they changed their name to Birkenau? As good as the stuff on Wanderings?

Hadn't even realized they were related. Don't care, Wanderings is great, it's all I need.
I think I've heard Birkenau once and wasn't that impressed...can't remember. I guess I'll have to listen to em again. I remember wondering if Birkenau was linked to the UM member of the same name (but I doubt it)

:lol: @ Grim frog
Inquisition is cool. I think the vocals add a lot to the ritualistic style of the music.

Just a general recommendation for anyone who's interested in the early Norwegian black metal scene - check out Mock's EP, Vinterlandet. Superb, epic pagan black metal, worthy of attention.
Malignance said:
Inquisition is cool. I think the vocals add a lot to the ritualistic style of the music.

Just a general recommendation for anyone who's interested in the early Norwegian black metal scene - check out Mock's EP, Vinterlandet. Superb, epic pagan black metal, worthy of attention.
:kickass: :kickass:
Iron maiden-a matter of life and death
Communic-Waves of visual decay
My dying bride-line of deathless kings
witchery- don't fear the reaper
Notice there all 06 albums I'm trying to figure out my early top 20 albums of the year.
I have their album "Converging Conspiracies". I'm surprised you hadn't heard of them before.